Part 2 (Continued)

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   The door was left open, meaning anyone could come in. His mother was inside, and didn't know about the door. It was obvious that if someone wanted to come in, they would take this chance for granted. But that was true. Out of nowhere about two minuted Liam drove away in his friends car to go to the movies, his mom got a frightening surprise.

    He was wearing a black ski mask, all black, a black shirt, black pants, black leather jacket and even had black eyes. 
He took this chance for a great way to get some valubles in his pocket. He was holding a gun, and slowly, through the flass half of the door, peeked in to see if the coast was clear, which it was. Be slowly tip toed in and saw a cabinet in the corner. Liam had his watches, and silverwear like chains, ear rings, and ect. In their. They were all taken. He went more in, slowly tip toeing into each room, first peeking to see if the coast was clear. He had given up looking for people in the house. So the kast room he went in, was where liam's mom  was, she screamed, covered her head like a child would when they didn't know anything about safety when an intruder is near. Suddenly, it hit her. She learned Karate at the age of nine to twelve. Her hamd gesture may have been a but weak, but her anger from bad memories as a child, was still there. She made obnoxious noises, and not off the bed saying, " I HAVE A GUN, DONT MOVE HAND UP NOW, I AM A POLICE OFFICER". She wasn't, but that did qork to keep him in place. She closed the door staying a foot away from him. He replied saying  to her that he had a gun too and wasn't scared.

   His mom had pepper spray in the drawer and took it, hid it behind her back and BAM. She sprayed it in his eyes. When he fainted, she ran out, closed the door, and called the police. The police came and took him  away. That was one way his mom had learned self-defence and she thought it would be stupid, but she learned how important it was to learn self-defence and decided to teach liam. 


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