Worth It

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So here's the chapter sequel thingie u guys wanted! Anyway i kinda rushed it sry so there are a ton of time skips n prob grammatical errors but it makes sense if u keep reading. Uh sorry bout this piece of crap and the wait lol, i've just been so busy with school n other books u know what i'm sayin.


The alarm clock stung my ears as it screamed at almost 7:00 AM in the morning. It was February 4th, 2023, and man was it cold outside.
Snow was pouring down on us, giving my dad and i's town about 2 1/2 feet of snow at the least. If you wanted to be even slightly warm outside, you had to put that thick snow gear that you wear when you're like 7 or 8 going outside to roll around in the snow and do stupid shit. I missed being young. I've lived 22 years of my life, and yet i still feel like i'm 17 again. So, so much has changed in my life since then, but i feel as if i've been stuck in a rut. That meaning it is useless to try and get out, but let it suck you in, and you only get deeper. I wish i had more motivation to bring myself out of it. Theres just something missing. Its always been that way, but ever since i broke up with my boyfriend, Winder, it feels like its gotten worse. Even before then when we were dating it was bad. Now i'm just hopelessly stuck with no one to pull me out, and hug me telling me it will be okay.
Anyway, enough with the sad and miserable life confessions, I was going to Malibu this weekend, which i totally could not have been more happy about. For one, i got to leave that sucky college dorm with all of those fake ass kids, and two, i got to be somewhere WARM!!! Oh i really really needed that at the moment.
To be even clearer, I was going to Oahu TOMORROW, because today was Friday.
I waddled out of the bunk bed to see my friend Tiara passed out on the couch, probably in the middle of a hangover. Wine sat on the desk next to her, and the bottle was completely empty.
Oh god. Someone's gotta tell that girl that she cant hold her liquor.
I left the wine on the table, and packed up all of my belongings in the dorm. I was going to head to my dads house, where i would stay for the night, and then leave for the airport the next morning, my dad driving. I was just about out the door when a flash of silver caught my eye. I looked at it, and under my bed was a gorgeous necklace of two kids fishing on the moon. I picked it up and stared at it. I didn't know if it was Tiara's or mine, but i was definitely going to keep it.
I slipped it into my pocket and walked out the door, quietly shutting it to not wake Tiara up.
I walked through the hallways making my way to my car. I got inside and started the drive back to my dads.


I woke up in my bed, my real bed, at my fathers house. It was just the way it was when i left. I smiled softly and rested my head on my pillow in remembrance.
I shot myself back into a sitting-up position as i remembered that my Oahu trip was
I grabbed all of my belongings and headed down the stairs to the kitchen, where my dad sat waiting for me.
"You're awake! Ive been waiting for you. Quick! Come on, were gonna be late!" He yelled loudly. I smiled and quickly changed into a nice outfit.
"Im ready!"
My dad smiled and we began driving to the airport.

(to after the plane ride)

I stepped foot onto the hot cement road from Oahu's sun, and kissed Illinois goodbye.
The sun was extremely hot and palm trees blanketed the town, and probably the entire state of Hawaii.
I walked to my hotel instead of getting an uber, and entered a 5 star room with a large bath tub.
Ahhh. This is heavenly...
I looked around smiling widely.
I plopped myself onto the large couch, as well as all of my bags for the next few days.
What's the first thing i should do here?
I kept on asking myself.
I looked around the hotel room. The windows of the hotel room showed a nice and beautiful beach that lay just around the corner.
I smirked to myself and found a bathing suit that i liked. It was a red wrap top with normal black bottoms. Together, the two created a killer bikini look.
I walked out of the hotel and into the sweet summer air.
The breeze brushed by me as i speed walked to the beach.
As soon as i made it there, The breeze from the bright blue ocean waters made its way towards me, twirling my hair in the wind.
I enjoyed the small moment of peace, and finally walked down the beach close to the shore. As i began to take my towels and sun screen out if my bag, my necklace fell out of my pocket and into the sand next to me.
I didn't notice until someone came up to me holding it in their fingers.
"Um, im sorry, i don't mean to interrupt, but, uh, i think this is yours." He stuttered, staring at me.
He held the beautiful moon necklace in his hand, and only just for a moment, it felt as if i had known this man my whole life.
"Oh, yes. Thank you....." I started, waiting for him to finish the sentence for me with his name.
"Noah. Noah Schnapp." He said giving me the bracelet, and awkwardly touching my hand.
"Im so sorry, uh, Noah, but have we met before?" I asked, looking into his confused hazel eyes.
"I don't know, and i hope this doesn't sound crazy but i have this feeling that we we have." He said sitting down next to me.
The beach waves crashed against the shore as the seagulls sung their daily song.
"No. Its not. I feel it too." I said, facing the ocean, then him.
I don't know what went through my head, but in that moment, at that specific point of time when i looked at this handsome man's face, i felt the sudden urge to kiss him.
"You are very handsome. Oh my, uh, did i say that out loud?" I blurted, trying my best to keep my eyes from connecting to his.
He turned to face me.
"You are too. Oh, uh i mean, you aren't handsome, you are, uh, you're... Beautiful." He said facing me.
His cheeks had turned a light red, but it was cute.
"Im Y/n." I said holding my hand out for him to shake.
"Nice to meet you."
*See you again*
I looked him straight in the eye, as did he.
We stayed like that, until he chuckled nervously, turning his head to the ocean.
I turned my head to the ocean, and heard a gasp from next to me.
"What's wrong?" I asked Noah as he looked at me with a quite hard to read face.
"You have a scar on the side of your face." He said slowly.
"Uh.. Yeah." I said uncomfortably. "Its from driving from Illinois to New York with this kid named-" I stopped myself from finishing my sentence and looked at him right in the eye.
"-Noah Schnapp." He finished, not once leaving my eyes.
We stared at each other for what felt like hours.
"Y/n? Is it really you?" He asked, his voice choking up slightly.
"I think so." I said stupidly, smiling goofily at him.
He smiled, and coughed like he was trying to hide the fact that he was crying, but it wasn't working.
He pulled me into a hug, and i had never felt so loved.
"Its been way too long. Why didn't you call me? Why didn't you answer my texts or face-times?" He asked, not angrily, just still in shock.
"Im so sorry." I spit covering my face. "I thought if i erased you from my life, It wouldn't hurt anymore. That didn't work. Clearly there's a reason we keep crossing paths." I said taking my hands away from my face.
"Maybe we're just meant to be." Noah said. He looked at me, and immediately felt bad for saying it.
"Oh, i'm sorry. I didn't mean to sound like that-I just missed you a ton and-"
"Noah." I said before he could continue to babble on for hours.
"I love you so much. Im sorry for everything that i did, i really am. Do you think you could ever forgive me?" I asked.
He sat there taking in my sentence, and smiled.
"I love you too." He said quietly. "How could i not forgive you? Im not going to pass up the chance of having the love of my life again." He said smiling softly.
His eyes gleamed in the sunlight, and all i could possibly do was kiss him.


Who knew the love of their life could return to their lives once more?
For that to happen, it must only mean that they are really meant to be.
It only took you 20 minutes to fall in love with your soulmate again,
so he really must be worth it.


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