Chapter 6

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It was late when you finally went back to bed. You should have gone earlier, but you'd spent literally all day in bed, and convinced Loki to go to the library with you instead of heading straight back to bed. You told him he didn't actually have to come with you, but he reminded you that Cap had given him the job of keeping an eye on you while you were sick. You rolled your eyes at his lame excuse, but searched the library with him until you found something that sounded interesting.

"Now, will you return to bed, witchling? I would hate to see your fever spike again," he was legitimately worried.

"I'm fine, Loki," you promised him. He gave you a look, you knew that disbelieving look. It was used quite a lot around here.

"You have had a fever all day and could barely move this morning,"

"I may be human, but I do get over being sick quickly," you explained. He didn't look entirely convinced, but didn't argue. "But I should get to bed soon. I do have school tomorrow. Tony's still trying to convince me to go to college, despite that it's too late to get in through normal methods," you whined as the two of you walked back to your floor.

"What is college and why does he want you to go there?"

"It's more schooling. You need the additional schooling to get a decent job. I think he wants to make sure I'm not reliant on Shield to always have a job. He said he could get me in to the local university, so I don't even have to move out of the tower... but that's at least four more years of school, and I don't even know what I'd major in, what I would study," you added before he could ask about what a major was.

"It sounds like a good opportunity to have options for your future," Loki commented nonchalantly. You sighed.

"You're right. That's what I've been thinking too. I'd never really thought about going to college, there was no way I'd be able to afford it, or hope to get a full-ride somewhere. I shouldn't take the handout from Tony, though..."

"Why not? He is the one making the offer. Even I have known him long enough to know that he would not make the offer if he didn't mean it, or did not want you to take it,"

"You're mighty persuasive," you teased him on the elevator ride back to your floor. He just laughed. "Yes, I know you're known for having a silver tongue. Fine, I'll talk to Tony and see what I need to do,"

"I am sure you will succeed in whatever you decide to study," he grinned at you. You just rolled your eyes and the silly Trickster. "If you would like, I can teach you more Asgardian magic," he suggested, sounding almost hesitant, as if he were afraid of rejection.

"Really?" you asked, bouncing in excitement. "I'd love to learn more magic!" He chuckled.

"Yes, really. You obviously have the talent for it, but not tonight, witchling, stubborn as you are, even you require sleep, especially as you have been ill all day." He checked your forehead for signs of a fever yet again when you had reached the door to your room. "You really do recover quickly from being ill. A normal human would have been down for days with that cold," he commented.

"Good thing I'm not normal," you replied with a smile. He just laughed.

"Goodnight, witchling," he bid you.

"Night, Loki," you replied.

You turned and opened your bedroom door. "Y/N!" Loki yelled as your room exploded. All you could do was stare in shock. Loki grabbed you around the waist before you had even registered the explosion. He swung you away from the door, turning both of you so he was shielding you with his body from the explosion. He rushed you both to the other side of the hall. "Y/N, are you ok?" he asked. You looked up at him, still shocked. "Are you injured?" he asked. You shook your head. He sighed in relief. "Don't move," he told you firmly. You just nodded still in disbelieving shock as you stared at the rubble that had once been your room. Loki carefully opened his room's door. There was no explosion. You heard running footsteps and shouts from the others as they ran to find out what had happened. You took one step toward your room, then another, not quite believing until you saw the room closer. Loki grabbed your arm and pulled you into a hug. "I told you not to move. It's dangerous," he growled, starting to steer you to his room.

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