Chapter 25

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Summer POV

I convinced Poe to wait until morning before breaking the news to the rest of the Resistance. It's bad enough I ruined his night; everyone else can get a good night's sleep.

I spent the night in his room. Before you ask, no, nothing happened between us. I think it's going to be a while before he makes another move at me.

As to why I didn't go back to my room? I really can't recall. I remember him and I talking in his bed, next thing I wake up to him holding me close to his resting body. Last night was something I didn't want to go through again. The emotional stress has probably taken a toll on both of us, and I'm sure everyone else will feel it too.

But putting all that aside, it was now morning: and I have to relive last night all over again only with many more people, Leia and Rey being part of that number. This is going to be one of the hardest things I have ever done, but once it's over...I can clear my conscience of any guilt I've been collecting the past few weeks I've been here.

While Poe showered, BB-8 kept an eye on me. He probably overheard last night or Poe told him. Either way, he was suspicious of me. I can just tell.

I was studying Poe's room down to detail, some medals he collected from flying races or military honors on his dresser. BB-8 stayed right at my heels as if I was going to swipe it all off the shelf when he wasn't looking.

"Relax little guy. I'm not a thief. I never was," I tried to insist but the droid wouldn't buy it. Whatever. I have a little duckling following me around then, only a little more dangerous but just as cute.

My fingers traced the wall and furniture, bored and curious. I was probably giving BB-8 repeated mini heart attacks but that's really his problem at this point.

My hand stopped on Poe's closet, almost tempting to open and take a peak. BB-8 was already screeching at me not to, but I resigned as he wished. It's really none of my business anyway.

I sat down on the floor cross-legged, figuring meditation will pass the time until Poe gets done. I took a deep breath, feeling the Force flow through me. Both light and darkness, a mixture most would be afraid of. Not me. I didn't push either out. I welcomed it for a change, figuring I'll be needing both sides to fix this mess I created.

I was in deep mediation when I felt a familiar spark. My eyes fluttered open. "Kylo?" I looked only at a confused BB-8, who was probably debating on just using his taser on me so he could relax.

I tried to calm my beating heart. Was that Kylo I felt? Maybe I'm just wishing it too hard. He blocked me in the Force; I doubt he would welcome me back this soon. I truly wish it was him, but the more I thought, the more I doubted.

Sighing, I tried to meditate again only to feel the same spark. What was it...

I tried to signal the location, expecting my answer to be somewhere ridiculous...but it felt was right behind me?

I stood up, eyeing the closet again. Something in there is calling to me. I feel the pull. I'm going in.

BB-8 was having a fit as I opened the door, scanning the contents inside. I ignored him, all noise being drowned out as I stepped inside. All I heard was this song, a song of power. I know that song...but from where?

Eventually BB-8 ran off to get Poe since he was useless. I think I heard the shower turn off but everything felt like an echo.

I pushed further into the closet, making the small size seem huge. The pull was strong and I tried to follow it like a magnet. I closed my eyes and dragged my hand across everything, trying to find the source.

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