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I held Melody as she watched the TV. I played with her hair and kissed the top of her head every so often. I knew she wasn't going to be able to sleep, but maybe she could doze off for a bit.

My phone buzzed and I answered it. "Hello?"

"Toby? What the bloody hell is going on, mate? Anna is shaken up out of her mind and no one knows where Matt and Luna, or you and Mel, for that matter." Ryan's voice was comforting to hear, despite his words.

"If Luna is with Matt, but not Jay, that is not Matt. None of them are us, Ryan. I know, its hard to believe, but they're evil. They're our doppelgängers or some shit like that. They're after Luna and Melody." I explained.

"Bloody hell, mate. Is Mason with you?"

"Yeah. Jay and Matt went after Luna, who went with the evil Matt. I have Mason and Mel with me." Melody was watching me carefully as I paced around the room.

"Eric? Where is he?" Ryan asked.

"I-I don't know. We left him home, honestly. And the real Cam is still in New Zealand." I replied.

"Bloody hell, Toby. What the fuck are we going to do?" He asked. I frowned and but my lip. How was I supposed to know?

"I'm not sure. I was hoping you'd know. Try not to interact with them. But try to find our Swagger. I'll keep in touch." I sighed.

"Fine. But you be careful." He said.

"You, too, mate." I hung up and plugged my phone into its charger. I got back into bed with Melody and held her close.

"I hope Eric is okay." She mumbled.

"I do, too. But why would they hurt him?" I asked.

"To hurt you." She replied as she looked at me.

I kissed her forehead and rubbed her back. "If they did anything to him, it's for leverage. But why use Anna if they had him? He's probably, most likely, safe."

"I hope you're right, Toby." Melody sighed softly, snuggling closer to my chest. I wrapped my arms tighter around her and held her close.

I lay awake all night, unable to sleep. I was too worried about my friends. I was also scared that, somehow, they'd take Melody from me and I'd never see her again no matter how hard I tried. I loved her too much. I couldn't lose her, especially not to some bullshit fairytale.

When Darkness Falls (Dark Misfits AU)Where stories live. Discover now