Chapter 21

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The next morning and Jinyoung's words still haunted Mark. They loved each other but were not supposed to be together. How bitter it made him feel.

The future was uncertain; would Jinyoung choose Jackson just because he did not want to hurt him or had he already accepted Jackson?

It was already a little after eight but Jinyoung had not come out of his room yet. Mark grabbed some lemons from the fridge and made the lemon juice quickly.

Later he headed for Jinyoung's room, with the glass of juice in his hand. The door was closed; he had taken Jinyoung to the room last night but thought Jinyoung might already be awake by now.

He knocked at the door a couple of times but there was no answer. At last he pushed open the door and found it unlocked.

Jinyoung was still asleep, deep under his duvet as Mark had left him last night. As Mark entered the room, he contemplated whether he should wake Jinyoung up or not as they both had to go to work and it was already a little late.

Jinyoung was on his back, peacefully asleep, with his lips slightly apart and his breathing steady. Staring at Jinyoung and remembering Jinyoung's words again, Mark's heart flipped. Jinyoung loved him and that really should be enough to heal his heart-broken self a little.

Mark placed the glass of juice on the bed-side table and that was when his eyes fell on two books placed on the table.

He noticed one of them was the book he had given to Jinyoung as the birthday present. His lips turned to a smile as he recalled how nervous he had been then just to give Jinyoung a book.

Another book was quite thicker and its red cover was impressive and classic. But what caught Mark's attention was a small postcard that was sticking out from the pages.

He felt it was something special and pulled it out so he could read the content. Which was 'To my one and only one Jinyoung. Happy Birthday!" and signed by Jackson with his name.

Mark looked at the book again and slowly realised that it was some sort of a first edition book. Of course, why would Jackson have given Jinyoung a book from some random shop?

"What're you thinking now?"

Jinyoung's sudden voice shocked Mark and made him turn his attention to Jinyoung at once.

"Are you awake now? I was just not sure whether to wake you or not," Mark said, ignoring Jinyoung's question.

"Have been awake since you were observing that book," Jinyoung did not miss Mark's face heated a little, "Hmm, so, what were you thinking?"

"I admit, I was imagining you with Jackson. You would make a perfect couple. And he's rich and an entrepreneur as well. Jackson is a good choice," Mark said, trying to sound unaffected.

"Are you saying that I like rich guys?"

"No, sorry, I didn't mean it like that. I just wanted to say that he is a perfect guy for you."

Jinyoung couldn't help but notice that Mark sounded hurt. And a little inferior as well? Jinyoung did not like it; he did not want Mark to feel insecure about himself, for any reason.

Jinyoung winced from the sudden pain and pressed his fingers against his temples. It was the hungover and he had been drunk last night. How was he in his room? As far as he could remember, he had been drinking alone in the living-room. And Mark had come but whatever they had said last night was now out of Jinyoung's head now.

"Drink this," Mark handed the juice to Jinyoung. The latter did as he was told and felt a little better.

"I should call in sick. It's already late anyway even if I prepare to go to work now," Jinyoung looked at Mark in his outfit, "I guess you haven't had breakfast yet? And you're going to work."

"Rest well then. And don't drink too much alcohol at the ungodly hours of night. You were really difficult to be moved."

With that, Mark took the glass and left the room. Jinyoung buried himself back under the duvet and his thoughts wandered. So Mark had moved him to the bed. Jinyoung felt his heart beating faster at the thought and smiled, unknowingly.

But then Mark's hurt expression popped up in his eyes again and that pained Jinyoung all the same. Was he torturing Mark too much?

As time passed, it only got more and more difficult to keep his feelings for Mark, locked up. Why were they suffering like that? Was there even a good reason? The thing was his pride. That was the exact thing that prevented him from accepting Mark.

But how long was he going to keep unbothered by the love they both felt? The only possible solution was him leaving Mark and both of them never seeing one another again.

His heart sank in agony just at that thought; he could not do that. He had no strength to leave Mark. No, not now. And never.

Then he should get out of his delusions now and let his heart choose just what it wanted.

He got out of the bed and his heart pounded as he left the room and headed for the kitchen. Then there was the very man who possessed his heart.

Mark's back was facing Jinyoung, as he was cooking something. Lest his decision should be wavered again, Jinyoung ran to Mark and pressed himself against Mark's back. His hands tightly wrapping around Mark's waist.

He felt Mark's body tense and him stopping whatever he was doing.

"I love you," Jinyoung said quietly, "I love you, Mark."

Jinyoung felt everything in him was released and his hands tightened around Mark, his head nuzzling against Mark's neck.

"I love you," Jinyoung whispered again. For a moment, they were both silent and only their breathing sound was heard.

Jinyoung's heart sank as Mark slowly detached his hands from his body. He was about to question but couldn't form any words as Mark turned around abruptly and his lips crashed hard against Jinyoung's in an urgent, eager kiss.

This kiss was just what both of them needed; the confirmation that they were now each other's.

Jinyoung moaned into the kiss but Mark pulled away shortly, his hands holding Jinyoung's face in place.

"I can't believe this," Mark uttered, breathing hard, "But it's quite a lie."

Jinyoung raised his eyebrows in confusion.

"You don't love me anymore?"

Mark laughed, "That is not what I mean. I've already known that you love me since last night. So it's not quite surprising. But to hear it from your lips when you're sober, it's just unbelievable. Are you sure you really want to choose me over Jackson? After all-"

Jinyoung shut him up with another kiss, this time slowly and more certainly. Mark's hands moved slowly to Jinyoung's shoulders and held them still, as Jinyoung's hands were around Mark's waist. Mark's lips were warm and sweet, and his mouth tasted of coffee, Jinyoung felt himself falling deeper for him. Jinyoung's eyes fell on the detailed features of Mark's face, his bangs, dark eyebrows, eye-lashes, nose,... Mark tilted his head for the better angle, and Jinyoung closed his eyes completely, letting himself loosen and lose in the fantasy of Mark's world.

Mark's shaving cream and showering gel scent soothed Jinyoung. Just when they were starting to deepen their kiss, the silence of the place was broken by a beeping sound, which consequently broke their spell as well.

Mark pulled away and his eyes darted to the kitchen counter, "Shit. The omelette is gone."

Mark's statement was confimed by the stinking smell from the food. He switched off the stove and turned back to Jinyoung, who was smiling in amusement.

"Never mind. It's not important. Let's finish this in my bedroom or yours."

"But you have to go to work?"

"I can call in sick, as well, Jinyoung. I can't just leave like that to work when our fantasies haven't been satisfied enough yet," Mark said teasingly.

All Jinyoung could do was nod and let himself be led by Mark. After all, that was just what he really needed at the moment. Now he was certain he would never regret about choosing Mark over his own pride.

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