Chapter 14

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Jinyoung had not been able to explain to Jackson why he had not made it to the party that day. He had just said some urgent matter had been up.

But on Monday when they met again at work, Jinyoung took some time, at the lunch break, to explain further to Jackson.

"I'm sorry, Jackson. It was so sudden. Mark broke his ankle and I couldn't leave him, with no one to take care of him."

Jackson had not taken the matter seriously but his face fell at the mention of Mark.

"What happened to him?"

"He fell down and hurt his leg. Were you already on your way to my place when you phoned me?"

Jackson had been near the flat when that call had been made; but he did not want to make Jinyoung feel burdened. So he just lied.

He had always believed and understood Jinyoung. But for the first time, he could not help being alarmed that Jinyoung's mind was swaying to someone else. And that someone had to his flatmate, who probably had got a lot more chances to win Jinyoung over, if he had any interest in Jinyoung.

Jackson was not the one who would watch Jinyoung being snatched away from him just like that. He surely needed to take more steps.

A few days later, Mark's leg was healed a lot and he could now walk, but not with the normal ease.

He had not gone to work since the accident. For tomorrow, however, if he felt quite better, he was determined to go to work.

Jinyoung had been attentive to him these past few days. And now that he was in a better state for moving and walking, he set his mind to prepare dinner for Jinyoung.

His knowledge of cooking was limited but still he managed to make noddle soup and kimchi stew, which did not demand much skill.

Jinyoung arrived back home at the usual time and was quite surprised to find what Mark had prepared for him.

"You should've just rested," Jinyoung said, "Does it hurt to move around?"

"Just a little. To be honest, I'm really hungry now. Can't you just go and take shower so that we can have dinner?"

Mark was referring that they should have dinner together, Jinyoung knew. It somehow satisfied him but he could not accept that feeling. He was not supposed to like Mark's company too much. It would be ridiculous for him to find comfort in his bully's company. But still he did.

After Jinyoung had showered, they had dinner together with not many words said between them.

"I'm going to work tomorrow. I've been absent for some time already," Mark said, when they seated themselves on the couch in the living-room.

"But you said it still hurt to walk?"

"I can bear it. Besides it's so tedious to just sit and do nothing the whole day. I feel like a sick person although the only problem with my body is my one leg."

"What do you do the whole day then?"

"Sit or lie or sleep. Nothing special. It's just so boring. And I really need to be among people again."

"Right, recently, I've been the only one you could see and you must have got really tired of me."

"I don't mean it like that."

Jinyoung laughed, "I was just joking. But still to some extend, you must be thinking like, oh, no more Jinyoung again, please."

"Do you really want to know what I'm thinking all the time? Just the exact opposite."

Jinyoung cleared his throat and let the subject drop just at that. Mark then realised what he had just said. He fumbled for the remote and turned on TV to distract themselves.

"What do you want to see?" Mark asked.

"Anything. Maybe a quiz or game show. Or a movie?"

Mark nodded and changed the channels till they settled for a rom-com movie.

They were sitting not very far from one another on the same couch. Mark felt more of Jinyoung's presence than paying attention to the movie. Rom-com movies were not his type and Jinyoung did not seem much interested, either.

How much time had passed, Mark was quite unaware of. Somehow he started to feel dull and sleepy, but until he felt the weight of Jinyoung falling more and more towards him. And at last his head was perfectly still on Mark's shoulder.

Jinyoung was asleep and Mark assumed he must have been so worn out. Not letting go of this chance, Mark's eyes ran over Jinyoung's features, which were so close to his own. Jinyoung's lips were slightly apart and Mark brushed some of Jinyoung's bangs away so that Jinyoung's face became so clear to look at.

Just gazing at Jinyoung's face, a bundle of desires rushed in and his heart was urging him to make the most out of this situation. To take advantage of this. But his head was warning him to keep being a gentleman to Jinyoung and back out from any improper intentions.

Which won, he did not know anymore. But his hands were shifting Jinyoung so that his face was turned to Mark. Nex moment, Mark's lips were all on Jinyoung's, as gentle as possible.

He tugged Jinyoung's lips as tenderly as ever, as if taking the tiny sips of wine. He felt overwhelmed but in a good way. Jinyoung was now in his arms and that was all he wished for.

But this spell came to an end so soon. Jinyoung's eyes fluttered open, wide and astonished, staring into Mark's.

Mark pulled away immediately and felt his face heated in deep red.

Now he realised it was the most stupid thing he had ever done.


"Jinyoung, I'm sorry. I really didn't know what I was doing," Mark ran both of his hands through his hair, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to, I swear. It's just-"

"I get it."

Mark looked at Jinyoung, who looked agitated and incredulous. And hurt?

"You're mad at me. You should be. I'm sorry. What should I do to make you forgive me now?" Every single second, he just got more and more irritated with himself.

"You didn't mean to?"

Mark shook his head slowly; he knew he was lying, both to himself and Jinyoung.

"It's not of your desire?" Jinyoung asked again.

Mark could only shook his head again.

"I see."

Jinyoung stood up and with a final glance at Mark, left the living-room to his own room. The door was slammed shut and that was all Mark saw of him that night.

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