Plans. (2)

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Slowly the pub became empty, with just the five of you, well.. plus Gabby. 

Freddie sighed. "Well dears. I think we should go." He said, getting out of the booth, soon you got out of the booth as well, followed by Roger. All of you walked outside, starting to walk away from the pub. You noticed Roger was gone, you looked behind you and saw him lighting a cigarette. You decided to stay with him. "Want one?" Roger said, holding the cigarette with his mouth, holding the pack with his hand and in the other one a lighter. "No, thanks. I don't smoke." You said, politely refusing him. "Alright." He said, taking a drag of his cigarette. "So, your she going to be alright?" He asked, exhaling the smoke. "She should.. i sound like a horrible friend." You said, nervously laughing. "Not at all." He said, taking another drag. 

You thought the conversation would go further. "I should get going.." You said, walking away the other direction the boys went. You stopped and turned around. "Night, Roger." You said, he said nothing but shooting you a wink. You playfully laughed, turning around and continuing the walk. "Good night, Y/n." He said, throwing his cigarette on the floor and started running to catch up with the boys.

You kept walking the empty and dark streets, until you found a red telephone box. You went through you purse and found a few loose coins. You put the coins in the little slit and started dialing a taxi. The taxi was ordered. You hung up and stepped out of the box. You stood there on the sidewalk, holding onto your purse for dear life. 

A van passed by and slowly pulled up, someone rolling their window down. You stepped back a bit and saw a smirking Roger. You smiled and came closer to the car. "Need a ride?" Roger asked, you looked over his shoulder and saw John driving. "it's fine. I ordered a taxi." You said. "Oh come on!" Freddie yelled from the back. "Pretty please?" Roger pouted. You sighed, giving in. "Fine." you said, opening the back door, you sat down and closed the door. "It smells disgusting in here." You said. John laughed. "It's Roger's car." John said, as he drove off. "I'm a bit too drunk to drive." Roger said, turning around placing his chin next to the head rest, closing his eyes and smiling cheekily at you. "Doesn't seem like it." You said, slightly amused. "He gets better everyday at hiding it." Brian sighed. Roger laughed."Had a few shots backstage i see?" You said, Roger just nodded, not being ashamed. "That's right, where do you live, love?" Roger said, turning around facing away from you and tilting his head back so his blond hair is dangling off the edge of the seat.

You told them were you live and John stared to drive there. 

Soon enough Roger fell asleep. You grew suspicious as Roger was very quiet. Drunk Roger was quite loud. You peeked over the seat and saw him curled him by the window. "Is this it?" John said, slowly driving by your house. "Yup! Thanks again." You said, grabbing your purse and stepping out of the car. "Bye!" You said, carefully closing the car door and waving them goodbye as they drove off. 

You grabbed your keys and opened the door, entering your cold house. You took off your shoes and coat, closing the door behind you and locking it. You threw your coat on the railing of the stairs and walked into the kitchen to turn on the heating. You ran upstairs to change into your pajamas. You went downstairs to turn off the lights in the kitchen, you slowly walked up the stairs. Once you reached the top, you shut off the lights and went into your room, jumping in bed, covering yourself up to your chin.

Looking out the window, the blinds left just a little space for you to look out of when you lay in your bed. You turned to your side, facing the wall and soon the silence in the room lulled you to sleep.

-The next day-

You woke up, the unexpected sun shined through your window, hitting you right in the eyes. You covered your eyes with your blanket. Slowly you sticked your head out, once you were used to the shine, you kicked off the blankets and walked downstairs. You walked into the kitchen, grabbing a kettle and turning on the stove. As you turned the foset on, putting the kettle underneath the water, you noticed a shadow in your living room. You rubbed your eyes and walked to the living room and saw Roger, walking back and forth past the window and the others standing or sitting in the drive way. You ran to the kitchen sink, turning off the water and running to the door. "What are you lads doing here?" You said, popping your head out of the door. "Finally!" Roger said, walking to the door and wanting to come in. You put your hand in his way to block him. "Wh-" He wanted to say. "Ask permission first." You said, looking at him like a disappointed mother. "May i come in?" He mumbled, rolling his eyes. "Of course." You said, moving your hand away. "You didn't have to ask by the way." You told Roger as he took off his shoes. He rolled his eyes and walked into the kitchen. "Nice. Roger sometimes needs a good tease." Freddie said, patting your back. You moved aside so they all can come in.

You closed the door behind John and walking into the kitchen. You saw Roger put the kettle on the stove already. "So, what brings you here?" You asked, standing on your tip toes to reach the cups that were on a higher shelf. John coughed. "Roger, staring." He said in between coughs. Roger turned his focus on the kettle. You didn't understand what John said, though. You placed five tea cups on the counter next to the stove. "Just wanted to visit. We figured we could use more friends." Freddie said. "Since, soon we are gonna be famous, it's gonna be hard to trust people!" He said, acting like a queen. You smiled, he has big dreams and you appreciated that. You put a tea bag in the kettle. Roger turned off the stove and poured the tea in each cup. He grabbed two cups and so did you, placing them on the table where the boys were sitting. Roger sat down next to Brian, he moved over one cup to an empty space where you were gonna sit. You grabbed the last cup and placed it in front of Roger. You sat down. 

"So, do you have any plans for the band?" You asked, stirring your tea. 


So, I may change things around. Like some queen songs will be written by different band members (Like break free is written by Deaky and I might change it that Roger wrote it) and some modern songs will be used as well (Not as queen songs!) And, be prepared for a long story! Cause I'm planning to make this story until Freddie passes away. (Which will cover 21 years in the story of their lives!)

The Love You Give. | Roger Taylor ✔️Where stories live. Discover now