Precious Mayhem

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Hello reader, allow me to introduce myself. I am Mike Lints aka Just some guy. I had a very tragic past. I felt so alone and so destroyed by the events that I let myself in a way die. Just some guy (referred to Jsg for short) was something I thought up, a way to move on and live my life. During my high-school years, I was torn away from my siblings by my anger. I knew that I had done the right thing for them and granted them a better life. That the better life included never seeing me again, and when I think of this it makes me upset. In order to move on, I did something that no one would imagine. I erased my memory and I started blocking out memories of my siblings in order to make my brain believe that they never existed. I was unaware that the human brain could do such things like erase memories, to save you from yourself. I was astonished at the capabilities of the human brain. With this newfound tool, I pushed all emotional thoughts of them (siblings) into a dark corner in the recesses of my mind. In doing so I inadvertently created another life form within my mind. This was a being of pure hatred, void of any other emotion. Just some guy did not just take over my thoughts; he became the one in control of my mind and started to make me void of all emotions. Shortly after I realized this, I started to have a conflict of interest. My mind was splitting into 2 beings. Mike Lints was crafting what he felt into poems of love and the unknown. Just some guy took those inspirational writings and crafted words of hatred for the world and resentment for those who did not understand him. This book is their chaotic battle for control over my body, mind, and soul. I invite you to join me in my story, read both sides as you chose; in the end, who are you going to side with Mike Lints or JSG. In the end who controls the body and mind? Until next time I wish you good tidings and pleasant journeys.*            

*Editors note Prologue was written by Shawn Finley.

Fingers in your hair

Do I miss you?
Count the stars
You'll see that I do

No matter where you are
Know that I am with you
That I am there
Whispering of love so dear
Running my fingers through your hair

Even though you can't see me
Maybe you don't believe
But I am still there
Running my fingers through your hair

I know we haven't met
My face you've never seen
But in the stars, it's set
And your eyes are green

When we do finally meet
You will sweep me off my feet
And I'll always be there
Running my fingers through your hair

(Simple matter of)Déjà-vu

We live our lives, front to back
Always on the verge, spit second heart attack
In the end, all will forsake you
A simple matter of Déjà-vu

Born in Eden, the first of man
Left to wander the garden in two
Together yet alone, forsaken
Another simple matter of déjà-vu

Playback, rewind, fast forward
You can even tape over
He did it once, he'll do it again
Man will always be forsaken

It seems old, yet it is new
It has not been done, yet déjà-vu
It was done, just not to you
That much is proven true

God left Adam and Eve to wander
Always together and always alone
He is always watching from somewhere
Ready to leave man, his only companion
Is really just a fantasy
He has forsaken me
Left me alone yet with you
A simple matter of déjà-vu

Sitting in silence

I sit here all alone
Got friends all around
Not a word is spoken
Not a sound heard
We all sit in silence
Trying to hide our innocence
Privacy of the mind
Only comfort we'll ever know
Somewhere a word is spoken
The silence is broken
People strike out in confusion
Acting purely on emotions
Not knowing who or where to strike at
All that remains is the covered mat
Blood stains the ground
Dead friends all around

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