Battle! The Fearsome Goku Black v.s The Ghatos!

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"Goku Black?? What drugs are you on Goku?!" Kogogeta screamed in confusion.

Goten felt his body tense "Where is my dad you freak!?"

Black grinned. "Pathetic mortals. Where is Goku."

Goten looked at him "I'd like to ask you the same question about Zaru!"

Black smirked. "Zaru? My disappointment of a seed?"

"Your what?? What have you done with my husband?!" Kogogeta growled.

"So that makes you my daughter..." Black huffs.

"I'll NEVER be your daughter!!"

Goten's eyes widened "I knew there was something off about him..." he looked up at him "Where is he!!"

"Dead." He simply replied.

"No! I refuse to believe he's dead!!" Kogogeta transforms into her super Saiyan state, rushing Black. He grabbed her arm, throwing her into the ground with a hard crash.

Goten watched Kogo "Kogogeta!!" He yelled turning SSJ "You're gonna pay for this!"

"Oh? I am? Then please, show me." Black grinned. Goten immediately charged up at him taking a swing with his fist and then disappearing and reappearing behind him still going for it. He dodged, breaking his wrist with his hand, and throwing him into Kogogeta, who was recovering.

"Goten! What the hell are you doing?! Go find Zaru!!" She yelled.

Goten growled in pain as he flipped and landed on his feet just infront of her "You do that! I'll try holding him off!"

Her eyes go dark. "DID I STUTTER?? GO!!" She rushes Black, barley managing to keep up with him.

Goten went back to base still holding his wrist and he sighed "I wish you'd listen sometimes.." he turns away quickly flying off.

Black landed a sick hook to her jaw, popping it out of place. Slowly fading in and out if consciousness, she tried to take control of her anger. Her pupils slowly started to fade, as she managed to keep up with Black.

"I see you're holding back. Give me your power." Kogogeta sneered at Black..

"Piss off you daft cunt!!"

Goten flew over places, unable to find him, until he spotted the Saiyan on the floor, he landed next to him "Zaru!"

"I can easily see the fury in those eyes of yours. Killing my seed was a lot easier than I thought. He begged, BEGGED me not to hurt you. But of course, I lied."

That broke her. Her pure aura suddenly turned dark, as she lost herself to her anger.

Goten's face turned to anger, seeing signs of struggle on him "Zaru, WAKE UP!" He yelled, just to test. Zaru twitched and grunted feeling a bit of pain.

Her hair turned blue, as her eyes turned black. "BLACK!! I'LL SLAUGHTER YOU AND BATHE IN YOUR BLOOD!!!"

Goten looked at him "Zaru, Kogo's fighting Black and I'm not sure how long she'll be able to hold! She thinks you're dead!"

Zaru's eyes shot open and he looked extremely pissed "Where. Is she Goten?"

Black widens his eyes slightly, surprised with the sudden burst of power. "This will be fun." Black powered up to Super Saiyan Rose, taunting her.

Goten looked at him "I-I"

Zaru grabbed him by the chin getting up and lifted him "Where. Is. BLACK"

Punching him in the gut, Kogogeta laid waste to the battle. Moving faster than the human eye, the two were evenly matched.

"He's at Capsule Corporation!" Goten whimpered at the anger of Zaru.

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