The First Kiss

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Izzy's POV:

"So how many gifts have you received, Izzy?" Alex inquired. We were sitting on my rooftop, looking out towards the orange sky ahead of us. It was my thirteenth birthday, and Alex had wanted to spend some time alone with me during it.

"Uhm... well, mainly clothes" I briefly answered, smiling at him.

"Have you ever been kissed?" He asked out of the blue, glancing at me from his side.

"What?!" I squeaked in surprise.

"You know, by a boy... on the lips"

"Uhh, I..."

"Don't be ashamed to tell it to me, Izzy" He encouraged me. "I would never laugh at you, you know it" I took a moment before answering him, but figured I should do it. It was Alex, of course he wasn't going to laugh at me.

"No" I openly admitted, swallowing hard in shame. "No, I've never been kissed by a boy"

"Well, I've never been kissed by a girl either" Alex confessed.


"Yeah" He shrugged. "See? It wasn't that bad, wasn't it?" He encouraged me, showing me a bright smile.

"I suppose" I sheepishly replied.

"Look at me, Iz" He ordered, and I obeyed almost immediately. Alex slowly raised his hand to my chin, and before I knew it, he was leaving a soft long kiss on my lips. "Happy birthday, Izzy" He mumbled, drawing apart and looking away. I stood frozen in my spot as I watched Alex biting on his lower lip and blushing, whilst a light smirk found its way to his face, but all I could do was think about how I was slowly realizing I was hopelessly in love with my best friend.

"What were you thinking about, Iz?" Alex's sudden question brought me out of my daydream, and I shifted over him to make myself more comfortable. I was still lying on his chest as we looked out of the tour bus window, and we'd been like that for a good while now.

"Uhh, I..." I trailed off doubtfully.

"Don't be ashamed to tell it to me, Izzy. I would never laugh at you, you know it" His words made my heart compress into a knot, making me decide that it was finally the time to talk about us again. Just like he'd acted exactly ten years ago. I needed to know what he thought of me nowadays, and what he thought of me back at those old times. I gathered up as my courage as I could, and determinedly opened my mouth, saying what I'd been wanting to say for so long.

"I was thinking about the first time we kissed" I let out, ready to be met with a totally freaked out Alex, but instead, feeling him softly laughing underneath me.

Alex's POV:

"It's funny... I've been thinking about that for a while too" I downright admitted. To be honest, Izzy's lips on mine had been everything that had been going through my mind for the past days, and just the thought of her was enough to make me realize I'd fallen in love with her for like the millionth time in my life.

"What?!" Izzy squealed in utter shock.

"I don't know" I shrugged. "I mean, it's not like we did that only once"

"Yeah" Izzy nervously giggled. "I'm aware of that" We shared a brief exchange of glances and broke into a fit of laughter, probably recalling how naïve we were by that time. "By the way, why did you kiss me that day?"

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