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My eyes shot open to an extreme sharp pain in my lower abdomen. It was extremely and horrible painful I tried getting up but the pain was restricting me. It was the most pain I have ever felt in my life, tears sprung from my eyes from all the discomfort.

"Shawn wake up" I say hitting his arm painfully making him groan before sitting up.

"What's wrong" he says sitting up and rubbing his eyes before looking down at me.

"I'm have a really bad pain in my stomach, it really hurts" I say and he quickly jumps off the bed to switch the light on. I force myself to get out of bed and stand up.

"Oh shit, is it like a contraction do you think?" He asks as he holds my arm.

"I don't know I've experienced one before- ow ow owww" I snap and his face read panic because he didn't know what to do and neither did I.

"Right do you think we should go to the hospital or something?" He says and I roll my eyes.

"Well obviously we need to go now, I think I might be going into labour! I don't know what's happening? He's not due for another two weeks, Shawn!" I say because right now I was stressed and I wasn't ready for this baby to come now.

"Okay babe, don't panic it's fine. But we need to go now, letting me put my clothes on and lets get your shoes on too" he says as he rushes into his clothes while I stood frozen in one place. He slowly walked me to the hallway and by the front door helping me slip on my flats. "Let's go" he says after zipping up his boot.

"Shawn we need the hospital bag and the car seat, get my phone too" I say and he facepalms before rushing into our room. I watch him rush in out of the rooms grabbing everything making sure he had it all.
He had the hospital bag over him and a car seat in his left hand and his face read exhaustion because it was only 3am.

"Now we can I think we have everything" he says and I grab hold of his arm and as we were about to walk out of the door, I had another sharp pain making me gasp and groan.

He quickly stopped as I groaned, "Oh shit I don't know how to even get you to the car," he says nervously biting his lip.

"Babe look at me, deep breaths in and out. Just relax and focus on your breathing" he says and I copy him breathing in and out trying to relax myself.

After a few minutes I was able to walk and we successfully made it out and down into the parking lot. Shawn helped me into the car before shoving the other stuff into back of the car.

We made it to the hospital with in twenty minutes. Shawn helped me out of the car but left the other stuff.

We walked slowly through the hospital to the Labour and Delivery ward and with great difficulty we made it. I was out breath just walking there but we made it to the desk. "Hi how can I help you both?" The receptionist behind the desk says.

"Hi yeah, um my name is Serenity Mendes and I'm due to have a baby in two weeks but I think it might be having it early" I say and she nods.

"Well what makes you think you're having it today?" She asks and I looked at her as if she was stupid.

"I don't know probably because I'm in so much fucking pain and I'm sure it's the baby" I snap and Shawn just rubs my back.

"How long have you been experiencing the pain? I think you maybe be having contractions, if so have you been timing them?" She asks as she was reading off a checklist.

"I haven't really got time to answer questions because I can barely stand, so can you please get someone to come and help me" I snap and she rolls her eyes.

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