[Author's Note:
{5.20.2013} Just edited through and fixed a few little things
{1-28-2018} Du hattest mir Sorgen! == You worried me.
X-Men Characters In This Chapter: Nightcrawler (Kurt), Beast (Dr. McCoy), Storm (Ororo), and Boom-Boom (Tabitha)
OC: Panther (Emery)]
"Take a deep breath," Kurt encouraged. Beast had given Emery exercises to do while her ribs healed. Emery was always willing to do them, even if they hurt her a bit, but she tended to forget about them. Kurt was constantly reminding her. Once Beast had explained the situation clearly to Kurt, it wasn't long before Emery was calm and capable of being tended to, like he was doing now. Emery had handled it far better than Rogue. The Professor had been forced to send Rogue away on a roundabout mission in order to get her away from Emery. She had tried to do everything for Emery, to make up for causing her injury. It only provoked Emery's temper.
So now, Kurt was once again the only one Emery would deal with. Sure, the Professor and Beast frequently talked with her, but when it came down to it, Kurt was the one left to take care of her. For a few days she was bedridden, except when Kurt carried her to the bathroom. After four days with no shower, Emery's patience was gone. Kurt woke up Friday morning to find Emery's bed not only empty, but stripped of its sheets and bedding.
Kurt teleported down to Beast's lab and questioned him about Emery's whereabouts. Beast told him he didn't know. They had begun a search for her. In the middle of searching, Kurt had bumped into Ororo.
"Storm, have you seen Emery?"
"I have. She asked me to take her bed sheets down to be washed while she bathed. Poor child hadn't been in the shower in days. It was making her very uncomfortable."
"She's in de shower?"
"I would assume so."
"Danke," Kurt thanked Storm and gave her a hug.
He teleported back to Emery's room in time to catch her opening the bathroom door.
"Du hattest mir Sorgen!" Kurt chided, his English slipping again.
"I wanted a shower."
Kurt took a seat on her barren bed and sighed. Why did he always get so worked up over her?
"Let's go to class."
"Class? You've got broken ribs. You can't go to class," Kurt said appalled.
"I have one healing, broken rib. And sure I can." She pulled a piece of paper out from the drawer by her bed and handed it to Kurt. It read:
'I, Dr. "Beast" McCoy, the Physician for Emery "Panther" (Last Name Unknown), on this third Friday in August , the year of her arrival to this institution, deem her fit for the following courses and the like on her schedule:
Power Studies: as her mutant ability is mainly mental and has proved to hold very little strain on the area of her injury.
History Self-Study: as this does not require physical assertion.
First-Aid: as I am the instructor and qualified to mediate and moderate her studies.
Modern Governments: as this course does not require physical assertion.
Music: so long as the instrument she chooses to study does not require lung-capacity or active, stressful, or jerky movements. I suggest learning slower tempo songs on the piano until further notice.
Panther - A Nightcrawler Fanfiction
FanfictionTheir mission: rescue the new mutant they have discovered. Their problem: she's dangerous and has no control over her powers. So what happens when Nightcrawler becomes the only one that can stop her? Will she open up to the X-men? Will she gain cont...