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Well, walking the streets of Colorado is not as fun as it sound. I tried to sleep in a subway, but a homeless guy  taking a shit in the corner. I went downtown Denver and almost got mug. I sent a text message to Lindsey telling her I'm coming to her house.

Once I make it to her house, she opens her window " what are you doing here? You know my dad's going to freak over this!" I can tell her almost anything. I could tell her I just wanted to see her. Or, I could tell her I got the latest gossip about Quinn Gonzales pregnancy scare. But, for some reason, I couldn't  tell her about me. About me getting kicked off of being gay. About my mom being a psycho bitch. I couldn't tell her that. I didn't want to pity she'll give me. So I just said, " treehouse?"

The treehouse is a place where we go when one of us needs to get something off our chest. All she could do was nod.

Dylan POV.

Me? Oh, my life is fine... It's good. No, it's not. I kissed  a  boy and got sent away because of it. I wonder what Adam is doing. Hopefully better than me. Because I'm stuck with  my homophobic grandfather. My grandfather is the most Donald Trump loving, Hillary Clinton hating person I've ever met. And he takes so much pride of that. He's asleep now it's nearly 3 o'clock. I need to escape. I wonder why Robin didn't help when I got kicked out. Was she afraid? Or was she ignorant person like my parents.

I tried to explain to my parents why I kissed Adam. I told them I didn't mean to even though I did. I told them it didn't mean anything even though it did. I never thought I could have feelings for a guy.

My parents took away my phone before they put me here. So I have no way to text or call Adam. And I can't  stop thinking his smooth lips and and how he makes my stomach turn every time I even have a thought about him. Maybe, I get enough money from helping  out my grandfather, maybe I could buy a phone. Does he want to see me? I don't know. Hopefully yes. But he probably hate me that I did that to him. So maybe, I should just go to bed and forget all about Adam.


"Fruit cake"

"Hey fruit cake"

"Get your faggot ass up now" my grandfather said with a southern accent.

"Okay," I said and then I got up, " Is it too hard to say ' good morning'?" I say sarcastically.

"I only say that to decent people. Fags are the scum of the Earth. YOU are a scum of the earth." He said, "And you know, gay people are worse than child molesters." (Authors note: I was told that, and I had to laugh my ass off because of how close minded they are)

"Then why am I here? If you don't like me get rid of me." I said getting fed up with his bullshit.

"Your parents are rich. Also, they are paying me to watch you." He held onto his mouth like he shared the secrets of the universe to me.

Why  did they leave me here with him?

Was this just like a conversion camp thing?

Or do they hate me?

Because the know who I really am?

After that, we just ignored what he said. I mean, I wanted to. I wanted to forget everything about that night. I wanted to forget about those girls posting that picture on After School. But, I don't wanna forget about Adam. That was the only good thing that night.

After breakfast, we went to work on my grandfather's farm. And all the time I thought of :


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