10 | Cornered (II)

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Reeca cursed as she hacked at the net's locks

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Reeca cursed as she hacked at the net's locks.

"It is no use," Xanthy said. "The locks are embedded into the ground until the Civil Guards remove them."

Reeca sheathed her sword and drew away. Behind her, June was waging war against the Civil Guards with spells too advanced for Xanthy. The sky crackled and the ground shook. Was this June's doing?

"I do not know about that," Reeca pointed her palms in Xanthy's direction and from her fingertips, wisps of blue energy curled towards the net.

Xanthy watched as Reeca narrowed her eyes, pursed her lips, and began wiggling her fingers. The varichria tugged at the air at some point and the locks popped free. Reeca pulled Xanthy from the weight of the net.

"Take the purged and go!" General Pell's voice crackled throughout the street. Xanthy lunged forward but her chest met Reeca's extended arm.

"What are you doing?" Xanthy tried pushing past but the varichria wouldn't budge. "They are getting away!"

June landed with a thump after he jumped backwards. His hands were lit up with his magic. "No use going after them," he rasped.

"Marin and Malin are there!" Xanthy screamed. Tears dropped from her eyes and into the dusty road.

"If you have not run away, we would have saved them," Reeca glared at her.

Xanthy pushed Reeca's arm down. "Do not blame this on me," she wiped at the tears flowing down her cheeks. "You have no right."

"I have and I will!" Reeca stepped forward. June edged between them. "We needed this mission to be successful but look at us now. Busted and with children purged. You should not have come out! It is all your fault!"

"Enough!" June raised his voice but the damage was already done.

Xanthy exhaled as tears turned from a few drops into a torrent. All of this was her fault. For being here. For being what she was. For...

Her gaze landed on the Civil Guard lying on the ground. She killed a man. She failed Jarvik by letting Marin and Malin be captured.

"Hey, Xanthy," June braced her shoulders. "Let us settle this back at the estate, okay?"

Xanthy nodded. Her heart was heavier than the net as she followed June and Reeca. Within a few minutes, the estate edged into view. Vikara and Jarvik were waiting at the front gate. Her stomach twisted.

Jarvik spotted Xanthy and rushed towards her. She pulled away when he tried wrapping his arms around her in an embrace.

"I lost them," Xanthy muttered. She hung her head. "The Civil Guards took them away."

Jarvik cursed. Xanthy didn't need to look at him to imagine the anger in his face. She winced as she expected Jarvik to yell at her.

"Vikara, I need to go," Jarvik rasped.

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