21- stalk him

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It was not his intention to stalk him. He just wanted to.....ok fine he's a stalker.

He himself cringed as he branded himself like that. He wanted to use a better, polite word. But could find none.

He sighed, things he do for love.

But then forgot about it immediately as his P made an appearance in his balcony.

Kongpob couldn't help but watch him, secretly. There he goes again with this creepy habit of his.


He knew he should make himself known, as he walked behind his P a little far away, and watched him.

But in his defence, they were going in the same direction, to the college, and he wasn't sure if P would like walking with him.

Hence, the distance.

Besides, it gave him more time to look at his P.


Kong was tired, so tired. He could barely keep his eyes open.

So, it was no wonder when he picked up the wrong drink, only to be stopped by a hand, P'Arthit's.

He took his iced coffee and proceeded to his way home.


"Yes P?"

"You are not eating?"

"No P, am not hungry"

He waiied and started walking away.

After walking a few steps, he heard someone's hurried steps which stopped a little behind him.

He didn't cared to look back.

As he was entering his building, he noticed his P walking behind him.

For some reason, that made him feel happy, he smiled and wished him good night.

Arthit grunted in response and ran to his room.

Now, Kongpob can't be blamed if he spied on his P'Arthit eating his dinner inside his room.

He wondered why his P didn't eat it at the food court itself.

Wishing he could someday share his meals with his P, Kong went to sleep.


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