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"Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will."

-Mahatma Ghandi-

This is it.

Evangeline stood tensed and cold as the offensive looking helicopter chopped through the dark and gloomy afternoon sky.

Of course it had to be the UH-60 Black Hawk that her ex-husband loved so dearly, even more than her.

Eight months wasn't enough, she realized, she wasn't ready to see him after all. She wasn't brave just yet.

When one of the troops had given her the phone the day before, Evangeline had hoped it would be her mother on the other end of the line; they only talked once a month.

Instead, she'd heard her ex-husband's velvety voice.

"I'm coming to see you tomorrow," he'd said. And cut the line.

Well, he was still as rude as he'd been eight months ago. But maybe it was the only thing that hadn't changed about him.

Maybe he wasn't the man he'd been eight months ago.

She desperately hoped.

The four-bladed utility machine landed smoothly as it caused chaos on the green grass below it.

Evangeline's white blouse and long, bright, coppery hair flapped all around her willowy figure as she tentatively approached the powerful aircraft.

As much as she wanted to run away and hide, she didn't want to waste an opportunity that may or may not be her way to freedom.

She had to be brave.

Her breath caught when she recognized Jax's gorgeous blonde locks and his intense blue eyes.

She watched him walk determinedly toward her, his smiling eyes staring right at her. Those eyes could get impressively icy when they wanted to.

He'd lost weight, she realized as she studied his lanky form fit attractively into his impeccable navy blue suit.

"I've missed you, Evie," he said immediately he reached her. She didn't have a chance to reply before he was grabbing her in his arms and embracing her slight form.

She froze against him, overwhelmed by his unexpected action.

In all the four years of their marriage, he hadn't been the touchy type. His own version of touchy was . . . unique.

"Jax, mmhm. Hi," she managed to say when he let her go.

"I can see that the Somali weather is treating you very well." His eyes greedily took in her stunning soft features.

Jax had almost forgotten just how beautiful his ex-wife was. He didn't remember her looking this delicious. Especially in those little cargo shorts that showed off her remarkable long legs.

God, he loved her.

"Thank you," she simply said.

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