20- knowing things he like

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Kongpob was always on a lookout to discover and find new things about P'Arthit. Specially, the things which he likes. He had gathered some of his likes.

But he wanted to know more about him.

Till he gets to know everything.

"P'Arthit, do you like action movies?", He asked when he spotted him at their usual eating place.

Arthit looked surprised for a moment, then answered, "yes" , and offered to order his food, which Kongpob gladly accepted, but regretted later.

His P sure likes giving him a hard time.

And he could literally see Arthit enjoying Kong's struggle.

But then, he offered his pink milk too, after eating.

Ok, his P likes applying balm after inflicting pain too.


Later, when they got up to leave. Kong collided with another customer, and in the process, the hot soup splashed on him.

Even before Kong could register what happened, Arthit urgently asked if he was okay?

And immediately took him to the doctor.

Helped him apply ointment, and even reminded to call him if any problem.

All this time, Kongpob in a daze.

So, P'Arthit likes being a good Samaritan?

But was this concern only as a good Samaritan?

Or senior?

Or friend?

Or Because he was Kongpob?


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