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"There is no pretending. I love you, and I will love you until I die; and if there is life after that, I'll love you then."

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As the days go by, Jimin has been avoiding everyone as much as possible. I haven't tried talking to him yet; I don't know what I'd say. I don't know what I could possibly say that he would want to hear. That's why, for now, I'm letting him do as he pleases. Eventually I'll speak to him, but for now he needs his space and I respect that.

Yoongi on the other hand has not given up on me at all. Ever since our talk he's been texting me day and night, any chance he gets. We've been doing a lot of catching up which is really nice considering we hadn't talked for like three years. I found out he thought about me all the time, which was really good to hear, especially coming from him. 

He hasn't tried to make me do anything I'm not ready for and I'm extremely grateful for that. He's willing to wait for me and that makes me much happier than he realizes. 

With that being said, he asked me if I wanted to get some dinner after my shift tonight and I accepted. It probably wasn't the best choice I could have made, but I miss being able to go to dinner with my favorite person. 

At 5:00 my shift is over and I'm free to go once again. I walk outside into the cool air and I'm hit by an overwhelming feeling of contentedness. I haven't felt content in such a long time. 

I walk home at a steady pace, not too fast as to savor the peace, but not too slow that it'll take me too long to get home. In fact, it only adds on five minutes to my usual ten minute walk. 

Once I get home, I hurry to my room to pick out some comfortable clothes before a shower. I settle on a white sweater and a pair of jeans paired with my signature grey Vans. After my shower and after I've gotten dressed, I put on a little bit of makeup--no more than I would usually put on--and dry my hair with my towel. My hair doesn't dry all the way, but I decide it looks fine damp and messy so I leave it alone without brushing it.

Besides, it's only Yoongi. We would wake up next to each other for years. He's seen me at my worst and this is far from that.

I go back to my room to slip on my shoes and grab my tiny backpack. I load it with my wallet, my phone, my phone charger, and gum because I always carry gum with me. Right as I finish, I hear a knock at the door. Presuming it's just Yoongi at the door, I call out that the door is unlocked. 

I go through a last-minute mental checklist to make sure I have everything. I do, so I walk right out to find Yoongi standing at the door awkwardly. 

He has his freshly dyed hair--the boys all got their hair dyed about two days ago--and it's a very bright shade of blue. It definitely suits him, and it makes him look only a tad more pale than usual. His espresso colored eyes show affection as he looks back at me, but not a subtle tone of affection. No, no, it's how he used to look at me before. Before the breakup, before all the bad. He's looking at me with nothing but love in his eyes.

I glance at his clothes and I see he's wearing a black button-up shirt with the sleeves rolled up and a pair of dark blue-jeans. He has his leather jacket hanging on his arm and he has a small bouquet of flowers. No, not roses, but my favorite flower. Daisies. He remembered my favorite flower after all this time.

"Daisies?" I ask, a smile forming on my face. He nods, a light blush making its way across his face. "You remembered." He nods again and steps forward, handing me the flowers.

"I could never forget," he whispers, giving me a loving smile. Now it's my turn to blush. Just as I'm about to tell him I'll get a vase for them, he says something else. "I'll never forget anything about you. And would you look at that. You look so amazing I almost forgot to tell you that you look absolutely stunning."

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