Part 146

475 14 135

First letter of the country you live in (eg. for USA you could put either U or A -i'm not American but i'm just saying)

A - C: Heather

D - F: Lavender

G - I: Violet

J - L: Marigold

M - P: Golden

Q - S: Silver

T - V: Aqua

W - X: Magpie

Y - Z: Wren

How many languages can you speak? (Doesn't have to be fluent, you can be learning)

0 (my own): Stream

1: Flare

2: Streak

3: Leg/Foot

4: Leaf

5: Pool

6: Star

7: Fur

8 : Path

What did you get? I got Lavenderflare/streak if you count the one I'm learning.

-waves Engand's flag lonely before walking off for mince pies-

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