Special - Traumatized Kids 102

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Lola: Okay, so I've decided to teach the team how to deal with Phantom when he's scared even though I barely know what I'm doing myself. How about I have Robin help? He's from Gotham, he should know what to do.

Robin: Me? Well, uh, I'm not that great with Phantom. Just look back at the story, I'm pretty oblivious at times.

Lola: Oh... well how about we ask Phantom how he wants to be handled.

Phantom: ...

Lola: Phantom, you can talk with me.

Phantom: Oh, ok.

Robin: So, how should we deal with you?

Phantom: Deal? D-Did I do something bad?

Lola: No!

Phantom: *whimper*

Lola: I mean, no. You're fine. We just want to be able to help more efficiently when you feel scared in the cave.

Phantom: Uh... I-I guess try not to be loud?

KF: Artemis!

Artemis: Shut up Kid Idiot!

Phantom: *yelp*

Lola: Guys! *annoyed*

Robin: *soothing Phantom*

Lola: We talked about this! Stop being so loud near him!

Artemis: You're screaming, Lola.

Lola: ...Shuddup.

Phantom: I-I'm sorry.

Lola: No, *cooes* you did nothing. These two are just being dummy heads.

Artemis: *glares* She was the one screaming, if anything she's the dummy head.

Lola: Anyway, what else do you want Phantom? We don't want you to be scared.

Phantom: *chews lip* I guess you could tell me when I can do things, like you guys do anyway. And try not to move so fast.

Conner: You want us to be slow?

Lola: Hey, Conner's here!

Conner: I thought you said not to be loud near him.

Lola: ...Shuddup.

Phantom: *giggle* Not slow like a turtle, just try not to move your hands quickly. It reminds me of when the agents would punch me or hit me or-

Lola: Woah, uh, Robin stop him from flashing back.

Robin: Me?

Lola: Yeah, you're like Bestie Westies now. Keep him safe.

Robin: Bestie Westies? What the hell is that? Hey, Phantom, copy my breathing.

Lola: Alright, now that we have that going on... BATMAN!

Batman: What.

Lola: Wow, *audible gulp* uh, i-it's an honor to meet you sir. I-I love your work.

Batman: Thanks. *Bat glare* Don't ever call for me like a dog again, got it?

Lola: *squeaks* Got it.

Batman: Now, what did you want?

Lola: I wanted you to hear how Phantom wants to be treated. You were the harshest with him aside from Sir.

Phantom: *whimpers and hugs Robin tighter* I-I d-don't want him to-

Robin: Shh, you're in the cave. He's nowhere near you, I promise.

Lola: Don't make promises you can't keep.

Batman: What was that?

Lola: Nothing!

Robin: Better?

Phantom: T-Thank you.

Lola: Aigoo!!! *indecipherable noises*

Phantom: L-Lola, y-you're loud. *tears brimming*

Lola: I-I'm so sorry. Don't cry!

Phantom: *sniffle*

Lola: Uh, it wasn't an order. I promise.

Phantom: Yeah, that's ano-another one. Try not to order me aroun- Oh, hello B-Batman.

Batman: ...

Batman: Hello, Phantom.

Phantom: So-Sorry about touching you during t-the team's punishment. I-I should've asked first. No one wants to touch garbage.

Conner: Stop it. It's not healthy.

Phantom: *confusion*

Conner: Don't speak negatively about yourself anymore. *crosses arms*

Phantom: *hastily nods* A-Alright, Superboy.

Lola: Ok, so you want them to be quiet, not move their hands to quickly around you-

Phantom: Or raise. *eyes widen* I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt you, L-Lola.

Lola: *waves away* Phst, it's fine, I interrupt people all the time. Alright, don't move or raise their hands quickly, accidentally or purposefully gives orders, and...

Phantom: That's it basically.

Lola: Oh, alright. You can go now, I need to chew out Batman.

Batman: Me?

Lola: You were so harsh with my smol bean that I need to hammer into you what to do when you're around him, Dark Knight.

Batman: *scowls* Fine.

Lola: Okay... see you guys later for the next special!


Ha! This was fun... I'm such a loser.

This won't affect the story yet, they'll still be stupidly inconsiderate at times. Whoop de doo.

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