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"It was a dark night and the Avengers were out on a mission. Spider-Man had joined them too, webbing up all the enemies with ease. 

'This reminds me of this not that old movie from the 90's!' He said, kicking one in the face. Behind him, Ironman valiantly fought the enemies, doing much better than Captain America ever could. He lifted his face plate, showing off his handsome face and iconic goatee. 

'Look out Spider-Man!' He yelled, but Spider-Man didn't see the enemy about to attack him, for he was too busy quoting a meme. 

Irondad- I mean- Ironman- fired up his repulsors and flew in just in time to save Spider-Man, taking the hit for him. 

The end."

Peter started up at Tony, who didn't seem very bothered by the traumatic ending to the story. 

"That wasn't a very nice story dad." Peter told him. 

"What? What do you mean? It was great, you got to live." Tony said, frowning. 

"When's your next therapist meeting?" 

"Next week-" 

"You need to tell her about this story." 

"I don't know what you're talking about-"

"I do. That story sucked. As an official dad, I bet I could tell a better story." Clint boasted, falling out of the vents. 

"Fine. Go ahead. Mine's better though." 

Clint rolled his eyes taking his seat in the rocking chair beside Peter's bed. Natasha strolled in, filing her nails with a dagger. She sat on the end of Peter's bed, as though she somehow knew this was going to happen. 

"It was the year 1989-"

"1999." Natasha interupted. 

"Nat and I were in Budapest, and there was a dude-"


"-who wanted to take over the world. She-"


"-had enslaved several people." 

Peter stared at Clint, excited. "What happened next Uncle Clint?" 

"Natasha and I snuck into her secret lair-"

"It wasn't really a secret."

"Whatever. Natasha and I snuck into her lair-"

"More of a building."

Clint sighed exhasperatedly. "Please stop Nat, I'm trying to tell a story!"

Natasha just grinned at him. "And I'm helping you. Please continue." 

Clint rolled his eyes, but continued anyway. "We snuck into her building and-"

"His. His building." 

Clint stood up, sending death glares at a very amused Natasha. "You better run Nat, you better run."

"Oh no, I'm so scared." Natasha drawled, giving him a dead pan look. 

"That's it!" 

Natasha laughed as she bolted from the room, Clint not far behind, almost knocking into Steve in the doorway. 

Peter pouted. "I didn't get to hear the end of the story!"

Steve's eyes softened slightly, moving from curiousity to understanding. 

"He try telling you the story of Budapest, huh?" 

Peter nodded as he folded his arms. "Do you know how it ends?"

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