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That night Izzy woke me up multiple times. Afraid he was starting to develop a fever, I went straight to the abattoir, seeking Jenna in the morning. She'd been staying in town to help Hayley out as well.
"Jenna!" I said, hurriedly as I barged into her room.
"Amity! Privacy."
"I know, and I'm sorry but I think something's wrong with Izzy." In a flash my siblings, and Amira, were all there.
"What's wrong?" Rebekah was the first to speak.
"Guess there goes any idea of privacy in this place." Jenna sighed, before taking Izzy out of my arms. "So what's wrong?"
"I don't know. He's crying, but he's not feeding and he feels warm to the touch." She frowned as she laid him on her bed. "I've tried to use magic to figure it out but it's like I'm blocked or something."
"I've never heard that. Then again you are something unique. A vampire who is not infertile, and has magic." She said.
"And he was fine yesterday?"
"Yeah." I nodded. "He was quiet most of the time, but he was okay." I looked to Elijah who seemed to be trying to communicate with his eyes. I shook my head indicating I didn't understand what he was saying. Nik noticed the exchange.
"Everything okay between the two of you?"
"Yeah." I said, turning back to Izzy and Jenna. She seemed to be trying to sense whatever was wrong.
"I see what you mean. He's somehow blocking any magic going his way."
"Izzy." I said softly, crouching over him. "Hey baby, come on. Tell mummy what's wrong." He just smiled, and gurgled.
"Well that's a good sign, right? I mean, he wouldn't be happy if he were in pain." Rebekah pointed out.
"Yeah. I'm sorry, but I really can't figure it out." Jenna said.
"That's okay. Thanks for trying." I said softly. I moved to pick him up when he suddenly just disappeared. "Uh oh."
"What do you mean uh oh? Where's Isaiah?" Nik panicked.
"It's a... new habit he's developed. His magic goes haywire a lot."
"Invisibility?" Rebekah raised her brows.
"Cloaking himself. Isaiah!" I called. He appeared in my arms and giggled.
"And the moving from the bed to your arms?" Rebekah didn't look at all convinced.
"I'm going to see if he'll let me feed him. Sorry for worrying you." I ignored, as Jenna put her hand on Izzy's forehead.
"His temperature seems to be lowering. Let me try again." Jenna said placing her hands above Izzy. "He's- he's not blocking me anymore. And seems perfectly normal."
"That's good news."
"And impossible."
"Evidently not."
"Maybe he just hates the apartment and wants to stay here. Izzy can be very passive aggressive."
"He's a baby. He doesn't understand anything." Rebekah argued.
"He's actually very intuitive. He doesn't understand things but he's very much in tune with my- oh."
"What?" Amira asked.
"He's in tune with my feelings. Somehow. And that's what changed last night. He must've felt what I was feeling, and-"
"And you were quite upset over Davina." Elijah continued.
"And Bonnie. I found out last night that she died. He must've sensed my distress, and then my worry when he wouldn't feed."
"But why the sudden change? You were still worried."
"With everyone crowding over him and his... magical slip up, he must've found it funny seeing everyone else confused." Elijah explained. "I'm guessing an advanced version of peek-a-boo."
"So he's okay?" Nik asked.
"Just as long as I keep myself in check, I suppose."
"Just yourself? Or can he sense everyone else."
"So far, seems to be just me. Anyways, loving the questions and all but I'll be in my room." I walked back out leaving a trail of confusion behind.
"Amity." Elijah hurried after me, with Amira right behind.
"You aren't going to-?"
"I'm sorry I snapped yesterday. I just, I didn't want to-"
"It's okay."
"Not for another month."
"I'm not going to... you know. Not for another month."
"Why a month?"
"You were right. Too much isn't a good idea."
"I'm okay, 'Lijah. I just gotta feed Izzy, now."
"What about-?"
"We're okay. I promise."
"Call for me if you need me." He said, walking away. Amira followed me to my room.
"How was he?" She asked when she closed the door.
"He was.. the same. But he said he was proud of you, and that he'd always love you, no matter what."
"He hates that I'm a vampire, doesn't he?"
"He loves you regardless of species and he's glad that we met." I assured.
"Did you see dad?"
"No. He's in peace."

*third person*
As soon as Amity closed the door to her room, no vampire could hear anything, as though she'd cast a privacy spell.
It was hours before she emerged, even after Amira had left. Her siblings and the other vampires were confused as to what she and Elijah had been talking about, the latter refusing to say a word about their conversation. It was Hayley who had brought her out. Hayley who had gone into her room. They'd both gone to the kitchen after that.
"You okay?"
"Davina's death wasn't your fault."
"It should have worked. I mean it's an ancient barbaric ritual that should never have been tried, but it should have worked."
"Maybe it was just a myth?"
"No, it was definitely a thing. My ancestor once saw it happen."
"Then why are you so against it if you know if should work?"
"Because the girls come back with darkness marked on their souls. It requires their death. That's not magic to be taken lightly. The consequences aren't worth it."

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