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1. Hah me having a boyfriend? You're funny. 

2. I really like greens and greys. I don't really have a favorite color though. But I do hate pink. 

3. This Picture

 This Picture

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4. Watch YouTube, Sleep, Eat, Read Yoonmin stories, sing, run, BE LAZY. I don't know. 

5. I'm cool with either. But I have used both and Android glitches sometimes for me at least, but Apple is more touchy so Idfk bro. 

6. Dog

7. May 25 (and you no know the year) 

8. Mint Chocolate Chip, or Strawberry, or Chocolate. Idfk I love Ice Cream though. 

9. Uhmmm..... Well this person coloredlove8 recommended it to me. Well she made me proofread her story, and I just loved the app. It's sad tho, we aren't close anymore. 

10. I don't gots that many friends. I'll tag 5 people. 






Hey humans, have fun you 5 ^^

Don't attack me, but if you must I am in a trashcan reading Yoonmin stories. 

Bye, and uh go to bed. 

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