Chapter 14

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Jaime's POV

As I was looking for a song I felt a weird presence. "W-who's there?" I yell. I look out the window to see at bat. "Claire, your not suppose to see till talent show. wait, you not Claire!"

I take out my bow light the arrow on fire and shoot. a big poof goes and the bat disappeared. "Dang it! Hey, look at all the builders. Yes! I KNOW MY SONG!"

Owen's POV

"Finally! we finished the fight!" I say.

"Man that was fun!"

"Hey what's that?" I say pointing at the tree. "that looks like a frog."

"Let's kill it!!" she says back. When we finish a black poof of smoke came and disappeared into thin air.

"Amelia, I don't think that was a real frog."

"Someone or something is watching us! what if there watching the rest of us?"

Ooohhh, cliffhanger! Who's the mystery person? I know that Paige probably knows it. and all my other friends probably know too. Any other people reading this book leave in the comments what you think his name is. this new person may be joining wattpad soon so when he does I'll tell you his name and if you like funny Pokemon stories you'll love him. Now you know who I'm talking about Paige see you guys later! tell your friends about me and bye!!!😋

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