24. It was the snake

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Chloe still couldn't place the woman Lucifer kept calling Lilly. "I'm sorry," she said. "I'm not an avid churchgoer and I don't really believe in God."

The face of the woman before her lit up. "I like you even more now." She stuck her arm under Chloe's and led her to the couch where they sat down. Chloe started to get starry eyed again in the close proximity of the siren. "I bet you believe in the Devil."

"Hello!" Lucifer called for their attention as he took a seat on Chloe's right side and broke the compulsion. "Lilith is Adams first wife, so an old friend," he emphasized with a grumpy tone.

Chloe's face revealed that she had heard the name and finally managed put it in the right place. Her companions missed the wide eyed expression as they playfully argued about who was the eldest.

"Have you seen Eve?" Chloe interrupted.

Lilith looked surprised at her. "Why would I? It's not that we play the same scene." The dark haired beauty smirked.

"For some reason she is here on earth," Lucifer explained.


"Yes, that's what we're trying to figure out."

"She must have ended up in heaven." Lilith flicked a lock of hair over her shoulder while she thought it over. "People tend to see that as a final stop."

"Yes, so I've heard, but it must have decayed since I left," Lucifer deduced. "I mean even dad has fled the place."

"Dad?" she smiled incredulous, "You mean the big Gee-Oh-Dee is walking around in his playground?" Lilith laughed a teasing but still alluring laugh. "I can't wait to speak my mind with that chauvinist."

"I don't think anyone has ever called him that."

"I have plausible cause."

Lilith had offered to find her replacement in Eden and then left. The amorous plan Lucifer and Chloe had wished for was gone by then and the evening instead turned into a q&a about the olden days.

~ ~ ~

Chloe was certain that the siren called Lilith had stood them up, and that opinion of hers was strengthened for each day that passed. In the middle of this crisis of heaven and earth, surprisingly little seemed to be noticed between the humans, Chloe reflected. The sun rose in the morning and set in the evening.

No apocalypse in sight.

Lucifer had assigned his assistance to the celestial department of crisis and Chloe had no real need for a wayward civilian consultant in the position she was now.

"Dan," she hurried out the door as she caught sight of him. "How's the case of the hit and run proceeding?"

"Hi Clo, it's hitting off." He ran her the info on the current case. "So we're just heading over to question the witness again."

"That's great Dan." Charlottes death felt so far away but was still very much present in Dan's life, that was clear to Chloe however much he tried to hide it. She wanted to hug him but refrained from doing so.

Ella saw the encounter from her lab and sighed. "That man sure need a new love in his life."


Ella jumped startled. "Jeeze," she huffed out with a hand over her heart. "Are you deliberately trying to scare me to death?" She glared at her old friend.

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