Word count: 700
Requested by anon: If requests are still open, would it be possible for you to do a Peter Parker x reader fluff piece where the reader panics because there's a tarantula or some kind of really big spider and Peter has to rescue her. And maybe Peter gets worried that she's also scared of him because, y'know, Spiderman but she's like 'No no no, you're sweet and adorable, whereas THAT was trying to kill me'
"Waitwaitwait," you giggled, fishing in the bowl next to you to grab a piece of popcorn, "Here, open your mouth!"
Peter grinned before opening wide and tilting his head backwards, ready to catch the popcorn in his mouth. You dramatically closed one eye, aiming your arm before throwing the food into the air. It was a perfect toss, landing directly in Peter's mouth before he chomped down on it.
"Woohoo!" he cheered, throwing both fists up into the air while you clapped, "I'm gonna go get some water to celebrate, do you want any?"
You shook your head and waved him out of the room, "No, I'm good. Who needs hydration?"
He shot you a grin and stood up, leaving you to sit alone on the couch. You shifted your attention to the movie playing on the television, turning to grab a handful of popcorn to shove into your mouth. When you turned to face the bowl, a slight movement on the cushion next to you caught your eye. You glanced down to see a huge spider, one bigger than you've ever seen, crawling towards you. Screaming, you jumped off of the couch and ran into the corner of the room.
"PEEEETER!!!!" you screamed at the empty doorway, "GET IN HERE RIGHT NOW!!!"
A few moments later, Peter slid into the room, completely ready to fight anybody who was threatening you. After a quick glance around, he looked at you with wide eyes and panted "What's wrong? Did somebody hurt you? Where did they go-"
You stopped him mid-sentence, pointing the the huge spider on the cushion. "Look. At. It. Peter." was all you could manage through clenched teeth, fear and anger showing in your tone of voice. He turned his head sharply to the couch, just now noticing the huge spider. Breathing a breath of relief, he casually walked over and picked it up in his hands, taking it outside. (You were glaring at the spider in his hands the entire way.)
"God, Y/N," he sighed as he re-entered the room, "You really scared me. I thought you were in real danger!"
"I was! Did you SEE the size of that thing!" you argued back. You knew that he wasn't really angry, but you weren't about to make light of the fact that you almost DIED because of that huge spider.
"Yes, I did, but it wasn't gonna kill you," he let out a small laugh, "Is this how you always act around spiders?"
"I hate spiders. Like, HATE hate them," you explained, crossing your arms, "I want nothing to do with them, and they are NOT allowed in my home."
Peter visibly tensed at the last sentence, casting his gaze down to the ground. Having known him for basically your entire life, you saw how uncomfortable he became almost immediately. You walked over to him and placed a hand on his arm, squeezing it gently.
"What's wrong, Pete?" you asked, curious as to why he would be upset.
"Y-you're not scared of me, are you?" he looked up into your eyes, fear filling his gaze.
"I could never be scared of you. Why?" to you, the question was absurd. Why would you have a reason to be scared of him?
"Well, you just said how much you hated spiders, and since I'm spiderman, I thought that maybe-" he turned his gaze back to his shoes, scared that for some reason you wouldn't like him anymore.
"Petey," you took his chin into your hands gently and gave him a soft smile, "You aren't an actual spider, in case you haven't noticed. Plus, you're sweet and adorable, whereas THAT THING," you narrowed your eyes as you remembered the spider, "was attempting to end my life. There is nothing you could ever do that would make me afraid of you, Peter."
Blushing, he leaned forward to give you a quick peck on the lips. "Let's get back to our game, because I was definitely winning," he laughed after he pulled away.
"We'll see about that!" you teased back, running to grab some more popcorn.

Peter Parker Imagines
FanfictionA compilation of all of my Peter Parker oneshots, blurbs and imagines that were originally posted on my tumblr.