Those days, the days you miss and something exiting is happening. Thats what happened to me. I missed too many, some were good, and some were bad. Nothing that I couldnt fix. So, I had my friend tell me the stories and I think theyll be liked. If all I could do is be there, at that time. Everyone says that Im lucky, because several people died while I was gone. I think their instinct was or when I left and wasnt there for it to happen.
My brother, who is in the hospital, waiting treatment, told me that I was lucky, because these days were harder than ever. If I was to tell myself that I am not, I would be lying, I was lucky, no doubt about it. The days I had missed, were the only of its kind. So here I am, about to tell you what had happened while I was gone.
The Days That I Missed
ParanormalThose days that you miss school and something traumatic happens while you're away, for example something awesome, or something very bad. Well this happened to Bob Miller. He was away from school with the flu, and for him, that lasted a while. He was...