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Those days, the days you miss and something exiting is happening. Thats what happened to me. I missed too many, some were good, and some were bad. Nothing that I couldnt fix. So, I had my friend tell me the stories and I think theyll be liked. If all I could do is be there, at that time. Everyone says that Im lucky, because several people died while I was gone. I think their instinct was or when I left and wasnt there for it to happen.

My brother, who is in the hospital, waiting treatment, told me that I was lucky, because these days were harder than ever. If I was to tell myself that I am not, I would be lying, I was lucky, no doubt about it. The days I had missed, were the only of its kind. So here I am, about to tell you what had happened while I was gone.

The Days That I MissedWhere stories live. Discover now