Fan Attack

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I couldn't stop thinking about what we would do if the cops figured out about the ticket.
We would be totally screwed.
My mind was so scrambled with thoughts, that i didn't realize i was speeding down the highway, and i almost hit the car in front of me.
"Woah woah WOAH!" Noah screamed as my car got closer and closer to the one i front of it.
"Y/n? Y/N!! HELLO?!!" he waved in my face and i jolted out of my thoughts and back into reality.
I saw that i was super close to the car in front of me, and i slammed the brakes hard enough that Noah,
Who wasn't wearing a seatbelt,
Hit the windshield full force.
I took my foot off of the breaks, and started to drive normally. I was laughing hysterically, feeling like i was nearly going to faint.
"Well great. Now i have a bloody nose, AND i'm also hungry."
"Oh my god Noah. For the millionth time, i'm not stopping to go eat yet. We aren't near amy food places." i reminded him.
"Ok, but if we don't eat in less than 10 minutes i'm gonna jump out of this car onto the highway!" he yelled clutching his stomach.
"HALLELUJAH!" i screamed in the air.
"Actually, ill stay in the car until we eat something." he corrected himself.
I slouched down in my seat and looked to him.
About 5 minutes later we found a place we could eat at.
"Look, over there at Cheesecake! Lets eat there!" Noah yelled.
I pulled into the driveway and parked at a NON handicap spot that was free.
Im not paying any fines today...
We walked out of the car and into the restaurant.
We walked up to a kind women dressed in a black jumpsuit to seat us.
She looked awfully nervous, and she was EXTRA - kind to us.
"Hello ma'am! Could we please have two seats right there?" i pointed at the table that was empty with no seats.
"Are you sure? We have these luxurious tables over here, with softer booths fit for a celebrities' liking."
She said looking at Noah.
"Umm, well just have the table over there, thanks." Noah replied, sounding annoyed.
"Oh, ok.. Well then ill bring over our most comfy chairs for you!" she exclaimed, jumping a little bit.
Noah rolled his eyes and started walking to the tables.
Why is he so angry?
"Yeah?" he answered trying not to sound annoyed.
"Why are you angry?" i asked him softly.
"Im not." he said shutting down the idea.
I just kept my silence.
We could talk about it in the car.
The lady made her way over to us with one chair that was padded, and one that was wooden. She gave the wooden one to me, and the padded one to Noah.
"I hope you have an excellent lunch!" she announced loud enough for everyone to look over at us.
I nodded politely and took one of the menus from her as Noah took the other.
"Ill be back with your waters as soon as possible!" she yelled happily dashing across the room.
"Oh my god." Noah whispered.
"What? She was happy to see you." i replied to his reaction.
"Its not that. Its just.. Well.. Never mind. You wouldn't understand." he said.
Wouldn't understand?
I looked away from his eyes and onto my menu.


Potatoes and beef

Broccoli and beef

Spinach and beef

Wow.. Why are they all beef?

I looked up and looked at Noah.
He was reading the menu with a stern expression on his face, and i giggled.
"What are you getting?" i questioned him, really wondering if there was anything other than beef on the menu.
"I guess the beef. I don't know what else i would be able to get."
he said turning the menu to the backside, still looking disappointed.
I giggled to myself a bit, and Noah started laughing too.
"Alright. I guess beef it is.." i said.
The waiter came back with our waters and she smiled.
I picked mine up and sipped.
"What can i get for this lovely young couple?"
I choked on my water and almost spit it out completely from laughing.
Noah could see that i was laughing, as he was trying to contain himself as well.
He answered for me.
"We aren't a couple.. But i think we are both going to get the plain beef."
"Sounds great, and i am so sorry." She said writing the orders down with her pen.
"That was hilarious!" i yelled showing Noah that i spilled some drops on my shirt.
He was laughing too.
"I know. We only met, what? Three hours ago?" he said chuckling.
I nodded giggling and got up out of my seat.
"Im going to go to the bathroom. Ill be right back." i said.
He nodded and i walked out of our table area and into the bathroom.
I finished my business and walked over to the table to see that it was crowded with random people leaning over to talk to Noah.
Oh my god..

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