"And Peter," Blackbeard continues, "You will never find your mother. Because she dies in my hand, by this very blade. AS YOU WILL TOO!" He slashes his sword through the fabric, jumping through and knocking Peter and you to the floor. He leans over you and says, smirking, "Close your eyes, (Y/N), and think a happy thought."
Then, Hook drops from the sky, grabs you and Peter and for some reason, the tent, and zips upwards right as the sword stabs where your chest was seconds ago. You land on a tree, and Tiger Lily hauls you up onto one of the wide branches. "We have to run!" Hook exclaims, and she shakes her head. "No! We have to jump!"
using the tent as a parachute, the four of you float down past the village and into some sort of bamboo forest. You land on top of Peter, and Tiger Lily and Hook are several feet away. Tears fill your eyes when you remember what Blackbeard had said. You stand up and run deep into the forest, Peter close behind. You never want to be near them again, they lied to you and Peter. They all lied!
When Tiger Lily catches up with you, Peter turns to her, but you keep your back to her. "You lied to us!" Peter croaks, tears streaming down his face. "I'm sorry.." Tiger Lily whispers. "So it's true?" Peter asks. "It's complicated..."
"Is my mother alive, or isn't she? What about (Y/N)'s past?" Peter shouts. "Blackbeard spoke the truth." Tiger Lily admits. "You lied to us," Peter repeats hollowly.
"had we told you, you would have walked away from your destinies." She looks pleadingly at you, but you ignore it. She'd lied to you too. "Whoever it is you think I am," You say. Blackbeard told you you were worthless. "Whatever it is you expect me to be, I'm not. And I can't. You turn around and run off into the bamboo, crying. You huddle up in a small cave of bamboo, quiet sobs racking your fragile body. Peter sits next to you, stroking your back, but you ignore him. Any other time, your heart would've fluttered, but it had already cracked. All your hopes were gone. You would never discover your past.

Neverland (Based on the movie Pan)
FanfictionJoin Peter on his journey to Neverland and help him defeat the evil Blackbeard on his hunt for the fairy's magical Pixum. Peter can fly, Blackbeard can kill, Hook can charm, Tiger Lily can fight, and Smee can.. um.. nevermind. Discover your own mag...