☆~°Queen of Hearts°~☆
☆~°Cayde-6 X Reader°~☆
(Y/N), a hunter. In fact one of the best hunters! Shes fierce and bold and not afraid to stand up for what she thinks is right..
Which is what Cayde admires about her.
When Ghaul and the Red Legion...
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I hurriedly grabbed my black cape and met Trent by the hanger, he waved me over just as a Guardian with long blonde bouncy hair camping running up to us! She had a huge smile on her face and pulled me into a back breaking hug!
" Hi! U must be (Y/N)! Trent's told me so much about u!"
She finally let go and once again smiled at me her pearly perfect white teeth shining at me!
I gave an awkward smile back an tenet pulled the girl into a hug!
" Ara! I'm so happy u came!"
" Of course Trent! Camila was like family to me too!"
I gave Trent a confused look and he laughed!
" Sorry, this is Ara an old friend of mine! When Camila's mother left me and her used to take shifts between missions to take care of Camila!"
I smiled,
" Well then nice to meet u Ara! Should we head for the ship?"
She nodded enthusiastically and we all huddled into the ship.
I kicked her into hyper speed and off we went!
" So... where exactly r we headed?"
Trent gave me the directions and we headed for Venus!
I thought it was weird but then again there was a colony built on mars soo I can't say much...
We landed far out from the city and Trent lead us through a dense forest until we ended up at an old broken down cottage.
I sighed imagining the beauty of it if it were still in one piece...
Ara sniffed and walked around to the front of the house were a tiny little head stone lay on the grass and a bundle of dead flowers next to it.
Trent had picked some on the way here and put the new purple ones down beside the grave.
I gave Trent a sad smile...
" Trent... I'm sorry to ask but... where's Camilas mother?"
Trent gave a small glance towards Ara and she nodded her head.
" Well uh.."
He chuckled then continued,
" Her name was Ila... she was a normal human... she wasn't a guardian, she just worked at a coffee shop me and Ara used to go visit, we started talking and got together after a while then well, we had Camila and after a year with her and living together... she packed her stuff and left..."
Ara putted him on the back and smiled weakly at him.
" No note... nothing... the only thing she left was this..."
He reached into his armor and pulled out an old plane ticket to Paris.
It dated back years ago and had never been stamped which meant that the person never made it to Paris...
We continued to each give a little speech for Camila and then headed back to the tower.
We arrived back at the hanger and I waved goodbye to the two and headed home for the evening.
I was half way across town almost at my house when,
" (Y/N)! *huff* WHAT UP!"
I turned around and Eliana can running up to me,
" I need ur help! It's an emergency!"
She grabbed my arm and started dragging me back to the tower!
" What's the emergence? Is everything ok?"
" No time to explain! We got to get back to the tower fast!"
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A/N: IM SORRY!!!! I haven't posted in a while cause exams r coming up and I've been studying like crazy! So wish me luck!
Cayde: I'm getting tired of ur excuses...
A/N: SHUT UP CAYDE!! Also Happy Halloween for the 31 of December! And if u don't celebrate it then happy 31 of October to u! Sorry I'm like 2 Days late!
Cayde: Tsk tsk...
A/N: -_- Anyway that's all for now I also want to give a shout out to AramarA_Miramoto For letting me use her beautiful guardian Ara! If u want ur guardians in the story! Give a basic description of them (nothing personal plz) and I'll try add them in! Anyways that's all for now! Luv u all my Guardians! ~Parker~ 💙💫💙