part 17

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i wake up on my bed, joey ran in my room, "we have business, hurry put this on" he threw my a dress

"i just woke up" i groan

"hurry up" he closed my door

i sigh and took off my pjs and changed into the dress he gave me, this time it was good and didn't show my boobs

i walk downstairs and go to the kitchen, joey put bacon and eggs for me, i sigh and start eating it

these eggs are so delicious damn, i finished it and put my plate in the sink

"you look beautiful" joey said

i roll my eyes and open the pantry, i grab some dog food and pour it in a bowl, i walk upstairs and put it by my window for when coco wakes up

i brush my hair and put on my shoes, "elena hurry" he yelled from downstairs

i tie my hair up and ran downstairs, "wait" i run back upstairs and kiss coco

i close my door and walk back downstairs, joey held the door open for me, i walk to the car and jeremy was in the front driving

i sat in the back with joey and look out the window, joeys phone started ringing, he picked it up and i look at him

he looked so damn sexy in a tuxedo, he winked at me and went back to his call

his jaw so sharp, the tattoo under his eye was covered, joey ended the call and jeremy stopped the car, "thank you jeremy" i walk out the car

he smiled and i walk to joeys side, he put his around my waist and we walked inside hunters building

"please don't touch me" i tell him

"shut up" he gripped his hands in my hip, "i don't like it" i try to push his hand away

"shush i know you love it" he smiled

we reached the receptionist, "joseph" joey said

"room 600" she said

we walked to the elevator and i snickered, "what?" joey raise an eyebrow

the elevator door opened and joey clicked level 6, "joseph birlem" i smile

he rolled his eyes, "your such a dork" he smiled at me, my heart went soft, i stare at his lips, fuck i just wanna feel his body against mine right now

what am i saying, gosh i cant help myself

i wanna run my hand through his hair and feel his lips on me, the elevator door opened and we walked to room 600

"joey" i whisper as we were walking


"did you and cali have sex last night"

"no" he said

"what?" i stop walking

"i would never hurt you like that" he said

"well you already did" i say walking again

"how" joey put his hand around my waist again, "just seeing her hurt me, and you got me so mad" i say

"i'm sorry elena" he kissed my cheek, he opened the door and we reached a big room with a big table in the middle of it

hunter stood up and walked towards us, his hair was growing back, "joey, elena" he shook our hand

joey let go of my waist and held my hand, we walked to the table and sat down, his hands still locked with mine

a lady came in the room with water, she filled mine first then joeys, i stare at hunter and he was staring at me again

i squeeze joeys hand and joey looked at hunter, "yo hunter" joey said

hunter looked at joey, "you look at her one more time i'll kill you" joey said

hunter said, "sorry joey"

joey rolled his eyes and looked at the paper in front of him, i had no idea what anything said

3 hours later

gosh i'm so bored, i've been here for what, 3 hours now? everything they are talking about makes no sense

i stare at joey and i smiled, his eyes and his long eyelashes, his nice eyebrows and pretty nose, his pink soft lips that i was dying to be against mine so fucking badly. 

i look at his beauty marks on his face and the 'lust' tattoo he covered so perfectly

how is he so good at covering that up? joey looked at me in the eyes at smiled, "well leave soon babe" he put his hand on my thigh

i nod and drink my water, his hand was still on my thigh, i put my hand on top of his and put my head on his shoulder

short chapter but 100 likes for a new one

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