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"you are disgusting! im unfriending you now." ten pouted, as johnny was dying of laughter on the floor.

"how the fuck can you put pineapple on pizza?!" ten shouted, "pineapple is healthy, pizza is not. dont mix them!"

"why does that anger you so much." johnny laughed, sitting up.

"fruits are scary, and i dont eat them."

"you're scared of fruits...." johnny tried not to laugh, as ten crossed his arms and nodded.

"you are a very weird person, you know that?" johnny told the younger, who just carried on nodding.

they stayed sitting on the floor in johnny's lounge for most of the rest of the evening, until they decided to watch a film.

"ooh! can we watch a scary one?" ten got excited as johnny went through netflix.

"what one?" johnny asked, smiling because he knew that if ten was scared of fruits, he'd definitely be scared of a horror film.

"the purge" ten said, with a mysterious tone of voice.

"are you sure, mr 'afraid of fruits'" johnny teased, and received a nudge in the side.

"im not a pussy." ten smiled.

"we'll see about that." johnny scoffed, "the purge is one hell of a film."

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