"Uh, excuse me sir..."
Yoongi lifted his head groggily, letting go of his soulmate's hand and wiping the sleep from his eyes as he tried to make out who the blurry figure in front of him was. He could make out a voice speaking in a British accent, nurse's uniform and a clipboard, as the member of staff looked at him with a pitying expression on her face.
"Visiting hours are over now. Unfortunately, I'm going to have to ask you to leave."
Yoongi got up and dusted himself off, taking a glance at his sleeping soulmate. Jungkook still looked angelic when he slept, regardless of the angry red burn scar that now ran across his cheek, and down his chest.
"Sorry. Can I, uh, go to bathroom first?."
The rapper cringed at his broken English, which sounded even worse when he said it in a voice still strained from sleep.
The nurse nodded with a smile and left the two alone in the quiet, dark room. Yoongi waited until he heard the patter of the nurse's shoes fade down the corridor, before he sighed and ran a hand through his hair.
Jungkook hadn't woken up since that fateful night a week ago. Yoongi has stayed with the singer 24/7 since then, only leaving for bathroom breaks and to get food. He stayed in the hospital overnight, hiding in a small closet in the corner whenever someone came to check up on Jungkook. It was crazy. His band members had thought so too, with Seokjin arguing that Yoongi needed to get gone and get his rest. However, even Jin's arguments wouldn't faze Yoongi. This was his fault, and he needed to be with his soulmate. The members had finally let Yoongi have his way when he told them about his and Jungkook's relationship. He hoped Jungkook wouldn't mind too much that he had come out about them without his consent. At least the others had been supportive.
Yoongi sat down with a thud next to the younger's sleeping form, and just stared at the ethereal beauty in front of him while he stroked his hand, the warm skin comforting him somehow. The most important thing to realise was that his soulmate was still alive. He had put up 'a hell of a fight' according to the doctor who had treated Jungkook after he was rushed to A&E. His Jungkookie has always been a fighter.
Yoongi's strokes on Jungkook's hand got slower and slower, as the rapper started to nod off again. All he could think about was Jungkookie, Jungkookie, Jungkookie...
The voice of an angel reached Yoongi through his half-consciousness. Eyes snapping open, the rapper stared hard at the sight before him.
Jungkook was smiling at him, the sweetest smile Yoongi had ever seen anyone wear. His bed head from sleeping for a week only made him look more adorable, and he was biting his lip, looking nervous but happy. A billion feelings rushed through Yoongi's heart, but most of all, he felt relief. They would spend more time together, his love would stay with him forever.
Unable to express his flurry of emotions, Yoongi gently tipped the younger's head backwards and kissed his soulmate. He kissed him and the world around them simply melted away. It was slow and soft, comforting in ways that words would never be. His hand rested below the younger's ear, his thumb carefully caressing the area around his scar as their breaths mingled. Yoongi ran his fingers down Jungkook's spine, pulling him closer until they could feel each other's heartbeat. His soulmate was okay. Jungkook was okay.
And in that moment, Yoongi knew. All doubt faded away from his mind. Jungkook and him were destined to be together, as cheesy as that sounded. And nothing would ever drive them apart.
And there it is, the end of the longest AU I have ever written... that sure we am emotional ride ( ఠ_ఠ )
What did you think? Should I do another AU? Leave your thoughts!
I hope you enjoyed reading :D

the misadventures of jeon jungkook [COMPLETED]
Fanfictionjust jungkook-centric oneshots U '꓃ ' U open to requests if you want me to do a specific ship or storyline (人・㉨・)♡ formerly: how much fluff?