Unexcpected reunion

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Jack's p.o.v.

as i slowly wake up i see a person but my vision was blury after it cleared it was...

Evie:JACK*hugs him*

Jack:Evie?! How did you find me?!

that was my only thought was running through my head she breaks the hug and says

Evie:From the Ripper's last attacks I was started to get worried I looked for you here and*blushes*You know the rest...

she blushed i didn't know why but then i realized i was still shirtless i quickly put a shirt on then she asked

Evie:So Jack,did you join an academy?

Jack:From the Ripper's attacks they didn't accept me

Evie:WHAT? How? Impossible and why?

Jack:The pussies headmasters think that I am the Ripper so I'm hiding here*acts heartbroken*And it's not only that

Evie:What do you mean?

i walk over to the planning board and said

Jack:The Ripper is targeting my family and he kidnapped my uncle

Evie:Me,Jacob and Green were awere of your uncle's disappearance but WHY does he targets your family?

Jack:*acts heartbroken*I don't know Evie*acts normal*But...

i grab and show her my mask bloody from the eyeholes the sides and down where the mouth was

Evie:The Ripper's mask?!

Jack:He ambused me but your training and my unbeliveble streangth I was manage to take him down but he sure did a number on me too and manage to escape but I got his mask

Evie:So it explains thats how I found you like this

Jack:Yeah I apologies for finding me in this mess

Evie:*snuggers*It's fine you remind me of Jacob in way messy idiot

Jack:Well his our idiot from all these fun times

Evie:*smiles*Yeah well an annoying idiot.So,where you gonnat take a shower?

Jack:Eh,yes but sleep got me first sadly

Evie:That's alright sleep is more important Jack but do take a shower

Jack:Of course

she walks away and i stopped her and said

Jack:And Evie?

she stops and looks at me and i say

Jack:*smiles*Thank you for visiting me it was good to see you again

Evie:Sure thing,and it was good to see you too

Jack:Speaking of Jacob earlier does he knows about this?

Evie:No but I will tell him about for him to know that you are alright and well,anyway until next time Jack

Jack:Until next time Evie

then she leaves after she closes the door i sit down started to cry my eyes of every lie i had to say to her it hurted like hell it hurted me more then them

after i recovered from my sadness then went to the bathroom to clean my mask and clothes then i took a shower after that i put some casual clothes on to buy food for me and Qrow later since the day i kidnapped him i fed him only bread and water bottles maybe the only to cut that old fuck's whiskey or whatever the fuck he drinks

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