Boys At Camp | 14

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Liam and I both woke up to pounding on the door. I peeled my eyes open and took my time getting out of bed, walking a little funny. Then I realized that we'd never unlocked the door, and that Nate's key was sitting on his dresser. I almost snorted as I unlocked the door. "Dumbasses left the door locked." Chase grumbled as he and Nate burst through the door, both of them looking annoyed.

"Sorry, we got a little, uh, carried away." I said, smiling slightly at Liam. He grinned back and got out of bed, going to change clothes. Suddenly, my phone started ringing. The ringtone was 'Medication' by Yungblud, (it's a very good song by the way) and it was very loud. I quickly grabbed my phone off the nightstand and answered it, holding it up to my ear.

"Hello?" I said, only hearing someone breathing on the other end of the line. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BITCH!!" Jay yelled right in my ear, which I think made my eardrums bleed. "Fuck, Jay. Can't you be a little quieter, I just woke up." I groaned, rubbing my temple with my free hand. "Oh, hehe. Sorry." He said, but I could hear the smile in his voice.

"And my birthday was yesterday." I chuckled when I heard Jay gasp. "Holy shit! I got the date wrong again!?" He yelled, making me sigh in irritation. "Yes, you got the date wrong again." I snickered at his stupidity. "Damnit, I had it written down and everything. Well anyway, I was gonna give you a free haircut or something for your birthday. You down?" He asked, probably fumbling for his appointment book.

"Yeah, I'm down. What time?" I asked. "Is 11 okay?" He asked. "Yeah, that's good. See ya', Jay." I said and hung up. "You goin' to get your roots touched up?" Nate asked, gesturing to the dark brown roots that were just barely showing on the top of my head. "Yeah, Jay's doing it for free for my birthday gift." I shrugged, slipping out of my sweatpants and walking over to my dresser.

"Ah, can Jake go with you? He said something about needing a haircut last night." Chase said, pulling a tee shirt on over his head. "Yeah, as long as Liam lets him ride." I said, unfolding a pair of skinny jeans and pulling them on. "I don't care if he goes." Liam said, putting on a gray polo. "Then it's settled. The gay bitches go to the beauty shop while me and Chase play video games all day." Nate said, wrapping an arm around Chase's shoulder.

"Just don't break my Play Station." I said, pulling a shirt on and grabbing my vans off the floor. I put on some socks then slipped on my vans, heading into the bathroom while I finished waiting for Liam to get ready. I quickly brushed my teeth, then went back into the bedroom where Liam was waiting for me to finish up.

"Ready to go?" He asked. I nodded my head and he grabbed my hand, intertwining our fingers as we walked to the cafeteria. Well, he walked, while I half wobbled half limped. Chase, Nate, and Jake were already inside, sitting at our usual table and munching on hash browns. "What's for breakfast, Dad?" Liam asked as we got up to the lunch line. "Scrambled eggs and hash browns." Joseph said, smiling kindly at us.

He glanced down at our hands and his smile grew. "Ah, I knew you liked him, son. I'm glad you finally got you a man." Joseph said, patting Liam on the shoulder. Liam blushed and held on to my hand a little tighter, giving it a reassuring squeeze. I gave him a small smile as we both grabbed our trays, letting the workers pile food onto them.

Once we both had our trays we headed over to our table, plopping down beside the rest of the guys. We chatted a little as we ate, nothing but casual conversation. "So when are we leaving to go to the barber shop?" Jake asked, making all of us turn our heads to look at him since he'd been quiet before.

"We're gonna leave after we finish eating." Liam said, stuffing a bite of eggs into his mouth. "Alright." Jake said, shaking his hair out of his eyes. Now that he mentioned it, his hair was pretty long. I preferred my hair to be long, though. It made me look even more sexy. "Elliot, stop being self absorbed." Liam said, shaking me out of my thoughts.

"What, how did you know I was thinking about my sexy self?" I asked, glaring at him. "Because you're basically drooling and staring off into space." He pointed out. "Shut up, I'm a sexy beast. I can't help myself." I shrugged, pushing my empty plate away from me. "You're lucky you're right." He said, kissing my cheek and standing up to go dump his tray.

We all copied him and stood up, heading over to dump our trays. Once we'd given our plates back, Nate and Chase practically ran back to the cabin, while Jake, Liam, and I went to the parking lot. "You got the keys?" I asked, glancing at Liam. He took a pair of keys out of his pocket and began twirling them around his finger, a smug smile on his face.

Liam unlocked the car and we all three piled in, then Liam took off. After a while of driving, we pulled up to Jay's shop. I got out of the car first, motioning for the guys to follow me. They got out of the car as well and we went inside, hearing Jay sing a very off-key version of Firework by Katy Perry.

"Hey, Elli! How's it goin' my main bitch?" He exclaimed once he heard us walk in. "I'm good, Jay. How're you?" I asked, sitting down in the barber chair. He let out a sigh. "Still tryin' to find me a mans." "You'll get you a mans someday, Jay. There's plenty of unicorns in the forest." I said, grinning at him.

"Unicorns aren't real, dipshit." He said, glaring at me. "Exactly. You're gonna be alone forever." I said, smiling brightly. "Fuck you. I'll mess up your hair." He said, snipping a pair of scissors at me playfully. "Don't fuck with the hair. You'll get pimp slapped." I laughed, waving my hand in his face. "Yeah yeah. You want me to touch up your roots?" He asked, fumbling with his supplies.

"Yeah. Got some brown showing on the top of my head." I said, showing him my roots. "Alright." He said, grabbing some hair dye and beginning to work on my hair. While Liam and Jake were talking, Jay said in a hushed voice, "Who's your new friend? He's hella cute." I chuckled at this, though I could tell that Jay was dead serious.

"His name's Jake. He was one of the kids that merged with us after the other camps were getting flooded." I said, glancing over at Jake, who was talking excitedly with his hands about something. Jake was cute, but I had Liam, so I didn't think anything more than that about him. "Is he single?" He asked, continuing to spread the dye around on my head.

"Hell, I don't know. Why don't you ask him?" I said, rolling my eyes. "Yeah, that might work. But that'd be obvious and I'd look like a thirsty hoe." I started laughing at his response, which made Jake and Liam look at me like I'd just grown four heads. "Sorry. Jay just wanted to know if you're single, Jake." I said, biting my lip to hold back my laughter.

All of us turned our attention to Jake, who sat there awkwardly, a light blush coating his cheeks. "Uh, yeah." He said. "I'm single."


OoOoOoOh!! Everybody be gettin them a mans lol. Tell me if u like the story so far and be sure to vote and comment. I'm trying to make the story revolve around more just Liam and Elliot, so there should be more couples to come. Thx for reading :D

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