My Diary: an Interactive Project. Sort of.

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  • Dedicated to All of you wonderful readers :)

My diary: a project


I know that a lot of people just look at the first line of a story and move on, so I'm gonna go ahead and tell you what this is. It's a diary of my real life, but sort of interactive. I need help, because my life isn't really worth anything now. I need advice. That's where you come in, if you choose to continue reading. You are probably wondering why you should care. You really have no reason to. But if you think of it as a story, you can think of me as the main character. Why do you care about a character in any story? So if you want to keep reading,I would be very grateful. I imagine that characters in most stories like to know that there are people who care enough to read past the first page.

Anyway, that is the basic idea. I will write an entry everyday unless I get hit by a car or something bad like that ( or absolutely no one reads. Every writers' nightmare!). So about me: You can call me Unknown. I am a ninth grader( i know, another dumb freshman who thinks they know everything. I promise I wont act like a stupid teenager. I am not snobby or prissy, as far as i know). This is not a school project or anything, just a way to express my feelings. Which brings me to my first main reason for doing this. You know how in movies and tv the main characters all have that one best friend, even though they are outcasts from the rest of the school? I'm not like that. I have friends. I just don't have anyone who I can really talk to. None of them really get it. So I am hoping that someone here will get it and be able to tell me where I am going wrong. This brings me to the second reason. I feel like I am doing something wrong in life, because my sister, let's call her K, seems to be so happy and friendly, whereas I am so tired and sad all the time. But enoughabout me. What about you? Will you help me? If anyone is interested, it starts tomorrow, with my first diary entry, and a question for you. If anyone has any questions or advice, comment or message me, and yes, if I have time, I will read your story. But please read my story too. Who knows, I may be someone you know. I could be your best friend. I am hoping to find out about myself. Maybe you will too.

My diary: an interactive project. Sort of.Where stories live. Discover now