Big spoon or little spoon? | Preference & Important A/n

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A/n: Hey guys! Before I get stared I just wanted to say a few things. One, cheer is almost over so I will have more time to write, but that leads into number two, which is: I really don't know what to write anymore. I don't want to give up this book, so don't mistake this as me taking a break because that's the last thing I want to do. I just need inspiration.

What do you guys want to read? Is there anything I can change to make the chapters better? More preferences, one-shots, imagines, lemons, limes, fluff? It would mean a lot to me if you'd help me out and leave a request.


Shiro: Big spoon.

Keith: Usually the big spoon but sometimes the small.

Lance: Usually the small one to be honest.

Hunk: Big spoon.

Pidge: Little spoon.

Allura: Big spoon.

Coran: Half and half. Sometimes big, sometimes small.

Lotor: Big spoon.

Matt: Jumps on top of you and yells "Sandwhich!" 
A/n: As you can probably see I'm running out of ideas XD Please feel free to leave a request.

See ya next time, my dudes.


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