Chapter 4 (My encounter with the titanium man)

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Tony pov.

I watched as the kid left his house to presumably go to school. I followed him for a bit before deciding to go ahead and grab him so that I could go get some coffee and call Pepper to cancel that meeting later simply because I didn't feel like going. When I land I expect the kid to look at me with awe like everyone else, or maybe terror because he's a bad guy. But he just seems annoyed and starts fiddling with a pen.

"Perseus Jackson you are under arrest by orders from SHEILD."

He lifts an eyebrow. "First of all it's Percy, and secondly why should I go with you? I mean my mom always told me not to go with strangers." He says smirking.

I splutter "Don't you recognize me, you know the Chitauri attack, saved New York?"

"Nope" he responds popping the 'p'

"I'm Tony Stark, you know, Iron Man" I say doing my hero pose which I practice daily in the mirror.

He scrunches his eyebrows in confusion. "Isn't that the metal that like poisonous? Like didn't it kill that famous musician guy? I think I remember Annabeth saying something about that." The kid keeps rambling as if I'm not even there. "Oh! No wait a second that was lead. But seriously is your suit even made of iron? It doesn't look like iron and I should know since one of my friends has an iron sword. Well it's actually stygian iron, but that's the same thing. Wait a second. I think I remember Annabeth saying something about you. Isn't your suite made of titanic or something?"

"Titanium" I say gritting me teeth as I hear laughter through the coms in my mask.

"Than why aren't you called Titanium Man?"

"Shut up, You're coming with me, the easy way or the hard way."

"But I don't date people I just met." He says smirking.

I Smirk back even though he can't see it behind the mask. "then I guess it's going to be the hard way."

"Ya, how about no, like I said my mom taught me not to go with strangers."

"It's not a request." I say growling.

"Well, I'm still going to have to decline the offer. I'm really busy right now. But if you'd like to make an appointment, I could add you to the list. Let's see" he said tapping his chin "the next available time isn't until, hmm, let me think, how bout never. I'm a pretty busy man. Well if that's all, I'll be going." He says smirking.

"Really?" I say lifting my glowing hand to face him. Instead of acting scared he just looks annoyed.

"Look, as much as I'd like to fight, I have to get to school or my girlfriend will kill me for skipping out again."

I fire a laser beam at him which he surprisingly dodges with ease. "Fine we'll do it your way." He says glaring. Which if asked will deny that it scared me worse than anything I had seen Fury use. I fire another beam at him which he dodges rolling under me since I'm still hovering. As I'm about to turn around my suit goes dark sending me crashing to the ground which was luckily just a few feet below.

"What in the world?" I say. Why did my suit malfunction? I remove the mask so I can see since the screen went dark. I only catch a glimpse of Jackson before I see him fire something at me. I don't have a chance to dodge before I feel a slight pain in my neck. The would begins to appear hazy and my body is not responding to my commands to attack this kid. I crumple the rest of the way to the ground as the darkness closes in. Before I completely black out I see Jackson leave shooting me a smirk before continuing on his way.

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