#2- Meeting My Roommate

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Madelyn's POV

Here goes nothing.

I clutch onto Bruno's leash a little tighter in one hand, using the other to grip my suitcase handle. I stand on the pavement outside a beautiful apartment building. 

My apartment building.

That's going to take a while to get used to. Of course I don't own the building, but it's where I'll be living for hopefully the next four years.

I wait anxiously for my roommate to come down to get me.

I texted her a minute ago, so she will be down any second. I watch the front glass door as it opens revealing the girl I'm assuming is my roommate. She stands slightly taller than me, yet not enough to tower over me. Her body is lengthy and slightly tanned, with her dark blonde wavy hair parted to the side and cascading down her back.

She glides towards me, smooth on her feet. Unlike me. She stops directly in front of me and extends a hand, I release my suitcase handle and grasp her hand in mine.

"Hi I'm Caroline, but you can call me Cara."

"I'm Madelyn, nice to meet you." She releases my hand. Shortly after, I turn towards Bruno, "and this is Bruno my service dog"

"May I pet him?" She questions.

"Go for it"

She breifly allows him to sniff her hand before running her fingers through his dark fur, "nice to meet you too Bruno"

"You can follow me" she motions with her hand.

I follow behind Cara through the front door of the building. She quickly greets someone as they pass us, before leading Bruno and I into the elevator. 

The ride is silent aside from the elevator gears turning and the ding as we pass each floor. The ride slightly awkward due to the social tension.

Bruno and I are led a couple feet away from the elevator. The door has large gold numbers on it, reading "325".

She twists the knob and leads us into the apartment. The wooden floor dark, matching the kitchen cabinets. Yet contrasting the lighter walls and doors. I release Bruno's leash once the front door is shut.

"And... your room is right here" she stands in front of two doors, and taps on the left one. "I've put your stuff that came in the mail here as well"


"No problem. I'm going to start making dinner. When you're finished getting settled in, we can go over the boring paperwork. Any requests for dinner?"

"I'm good with anything" I reply wheeling my stuff towards my room. 

I finish putting my bed together and then making it, before my stomach inevitably starts to rumble. I decide to take a break and walk out to the kitchen.

"How's everything going? Do you need some help putting the furniture together?" Cara asks.

"I managed to put my bed together, but later, I'd really appreciate some help."

I still have a desk, dresser, and a couple night stands that still require assembly.


"Signing this paper essentially states that you are going to pay rent and the security deposit, you can read all of it if you want." Cara tells me.

I lightly flip through the stack of pages and decide not to read all of it. "I believe you" I grab the paper and a pen, signing my name in multiple spots.

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