Chapter 6 (The after party)

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Sophie's POV:
When we got inside we saw two couches and a table. We didn't know where to go so we were just standing in front of the front door. Suddenly Joe (the vamps manager) came towards us.
Joe: hey girls. Welcome to the after party. The boys are coming soon and you can sit on the couch or go where all the other fans are
Sophie & Lydia: thank you, Joe
Joe: have fun girls
Joe walked away and 5 minutes later the boys arrived.
Bradley: Sophie? Lydia?
Sophie: oh hey Bradley
How can he remember our name? I thought.
Bradley: you can call me Brad if you want to
Sophie: okay Brad
Brad: I didn't know you were going to be here too
Sophie: well here we are *I laugh*
Brad laughed with me.
Tristan: come and sit with us
Brad, Lydia and I walked over to the couches.
Tristan, James and Connor sat beside each other and Lydia and I sat beside each other.
Tristan: are you going to stand the whole night Brad?
Brad: I didn't think that
Brad sat down beside me. The whole 10 minutes we sat and looked at each other. I smiled the whole time and Brad and I looked at each other many times, and sometimes we just held our eyes without turning away. While we looked at each other he winked at me and I cracked a smile. Lydia saw it and made a laugh smile and turned her head to the other three boys.

Brad's POV:
I winked at Sophie and she cracked a smile. Since the day I met her I felt a connection between us. I thought.
Connor: we had three VIP tickets on sale but the other girl or boy couldn't come. Well it looks like that
James: yeah, and we was going to have a competition and only two were going to win but since only you two are here...
Tristan: you guys are the winners!
Sophie: well what was the prize?
Brad: happy you asked because you guys are going to get the prize
Lydia: Cool. What is it? I am too excited to wait
James: the prize is that you guys are going to join us on our world tour
Lydia and Sophie was shocked. Suddenly they screamed and jumped up and down.
Brad: we can see you guys are happy
Lydia and Sophie stopped and sat down again. We all laughed.
Lydia: I need to tell my parents
Sophie: me too
James: you can do it know because after this party we are leaving for the rest of the UK and later to Europe and USA

Lydia's POV:
Sophie and I couldn't believe what just had happened. We called our parents and they said it was alright. That was a bit weird because I am leaving for months. I thought. We walked back and sat down. When we came back, Connor and Brad were meeting fans and when they came back, James and Tristan met fans.
We had so much fun all night but we got tired and Sophie and I fell asleep.
Brad: we should take them to the bus *he whisper*
Connor: yeah mate *he whisper back*
Brad and Connor carried us to the bus and laid us down on the beds. Then they went to bed. James and Tristan had already went to bed and they were sleeping.

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