Loki X Male!Reader: Archery Practice (One-Shot!)

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Loki X Male!Reader: Archery Practice (One-Shot!)


You raised your sword upward at Thor; you smirked and watched Thor raise his sword upward as well. Thor took a strike at you, you quickly dodged and turned around striking at Thor, you ended up missing your target but managed to cut Thor's shoulder.

"That's what you get for not wearing armor" You smirked and saw Loki sitting on the stairs watching you fight.

"You are good warrior my friend" Thor grinned.

"Better than you" You charged at Thor and smacked his sword out of his hand; you grabbed his sword from him and put the tip of one of your swords to Thor's neck.

"I surrender" Thor chuckled.

You flipped one of the swords around handing it to Thor, "Shall I kick your ass again?" You teased.

"Perhaps later" Thor chuckled and walked away.

You walked over to Loki and sat next to him looking at him curiously.

"I always enjoy watching you kicking my brother's ass" Loki chuckled and looked up from his book and turned his head looking at you, he closed his book and set it down beside him.

You watched Sif and Thor bow and begin to fight.

"So, any plans for the rest of the day?" Loki asked.

"No, might go to the archery range later tonight, do you have any plans for the day?" You asked.

"Would you, perhaps like to go to the library with me?" Loki asked blushing looking at the man next to him nervously.

"The library?" You looked at Loki; you didn't want to hurt his feelings by saying no, "How about I teach you how to shoot a bow and arrow?" You asked smiling softly.

"I would be up for that" Loki's cheeks turned a darker pink.

"Meet me in the archery range later tonight" You smiled and stood walking away. Loki smiled happily looking around; Thor panted a bit as he sat down next to his brother. "Any luck with getting a date?" Thor asked, Loki nodded and smiled.

Later that day

Loki meant you in the archery range as scheduled; you smiled and walked up to Loki. You gave him a gentle hug and kissed his cheek; Loki looked at you shocked and looked down blushing. Oh my gosh, he kissed my cheek!Loki thought.

You picked up a bow and arrow and looked at Loki for a second; you pulled the arrow back but ended up getting completely distracted by Loki's cute, adorable smile.

"Are you sure you're good at archery?" Loki chuckled slightly.

You looked at the target realizing you had totally missed it, "I was distracted..." You muttered softly.

"Let me try again..." You pulled out another arrow and aimed for the center confident you could hit it no problem.

Loki came up behind you, "I believe in you" Loki whispered.

You gasped and shot missing the target once again, "Dammit!" You mumbled, "Third times a charm" You mumbled pulling out another arrow.

Loki grinned and wrapped his right arm around your waist, "If you get this one, I'll kiss you..." Loki muttered softly.

You smirked and ended up the center of the target, you looked at Loki, "If it's all the same to you, I'll have that kiss now" You grinned.

"First I want you to teach me how to shoot, I've always wanted to learn archery" Loki muttered softly and took your bow and arrow and aimed at the target.

You gently raised Loki's right arm and fixed his footing, "Now... If you get this one, you have to go on a date with me, agreed?" You wrapped your arms around Loki and helped him stand properly.

"Agreed" Loki smiled and shot the arrow and it ended up hitting the center of the target.

You smiled and slowly pulled away from Loki.

"So I guess I owe you a kiss and a date now hmmm?" Loki put his bow down and walked up to you, he leaned in about to kiss you on the lips but instead kissed your cheek.

You chuckled and looked around, "Not the kiss I was looking for...." You muttered softly.

"What kind of kiss were you looking for exactly?" Loki asked.

"This kind..." You whispered and leaned down and kissed Loki on the lips, you were very gentle and passionate.

Loki slowly pulled back and smiled happily.

You were silent but smiled softly.

"So about this date...?" Loki grinned, "I really like you a lot you know..." He muttered softly looking down at the floor.

You gently lifted Loki's chin, "You can look at me when you say that you know..." You smiled kissing Loki softly on the lips.

Loki looked deeply into your (E/C) eyes, "I love you" Loki said bravely.

"I love you too..." You smiled and wrapped your arms around Loki's waist and kissed him again.

Loki pulled away as you were about to kiss him, "You're lying..." Loki mumbled not believe you, so many people had lied to him and he wouldn't expect the man he loves to love him back.

"Why would I lie to you? I-I love you... Loki..." You muttered softly.

"How come you never mentioned anything to me before?" Loki asked.

"Well I didn't think you were interested..." You were shocked that Loki thought you were lying to him.

"I flirt with you all the time! How could you not think I was not interested?!" Loki took a deep breath and sighed, "I thought you weren't interested, you never flirt with me..." Loki mumbled.

"I was too nervous too!" You looked down at the floor and nervously scratched the back of your head, "If you don't want to go on a date with me I understand..." You sighed.

"No I do!" Loki said quickly.

"You do?" You looked up Loki shocked.

"Of course, we could go for dinner... Or go for a picnic; go for a walk in the forest..." Loki muttered softly looking around curiously.

"I wouldn't mind doing any of those things as long as it's with you..." You smiled softly.

Loki looked up at you and smiled happily and blushed a bit.

"Meet me outside the main hall, tomorrow night?" You asked.

Loki nodded and smiled.

You smiled back and lovingly kissed Loki on the cheek, you bowed and kissed Loki's hand walking out of the archery room and toward your chambers. You smiled happily; you couldn't believe Loki actually loved you back.

The next night, you and Loki went on your date, it went very well and you and Loki ended up falling deeply in love with each other. You and Loki lived happily ever after and you didn't care what anyone thought of your relationship.  

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