Chapter 35

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The next morning

Annie's pov:

I woke up and ran to the bathroom

A: *throws up*

What is happening to me!!!
I threw up a couple more times then went to knock on Hayden's door

H: *opens the door holding his head*
A: hey..
H: hey....
A: can we talk when your dressed and no girls are in your room
H: yea umm.. Sure
A: ok
H: one question... do you know why they're here?
A: I don't know?....
H: *walks to his bed and takes the sheets off a little bit*
Nadia and Lexi were sleeping on opposite sides with middle space where Hayden was laying
A: *stays quiet*
H: so you don't know why they're in here?
A: nope.. *tries to walk away*
H: *grabs her arm* I know you know something
A: what are you talking about *laughs awkwardly*
H: what happened last night
A: You kissed Lexi, I kissed Case...
H: .......
A: then you had sex with her when you found out I kissed Case
H: *grabs his head* then what!
A: I don't know! I couldn't fall asleep with all the moaning so I had to play music
H: how did Nadia get here
H: *gets on his knees and hugs her legs* please take me back! I can't do this anymore
A: hahaha, your asking me to take you back when you have two girls in your bed literally as we're speaking
H: I'll get rid of them I swear I'll do anything
A: Hayden just get off of me and get them out of here
H: will you take me back?
A: probably not *gets out of his grip and walks back to the bathroom*
H: *closes his door*

I was on the verge of throwing up
If I didn't get out of his grip, I probably would have threw up on him
I walked to the bathroom about to throw up without making it noticeable
Then I started to throw up again
What if I have the flu or something?...

Hayden's pov:

I closed my door and walked up to my bed
I shook Nadia and Lexi to get them to wake up
Lexi woke up

L: *sits up and rubs her eyes* Hayden?
H: yea?
LD: I have a question
H: what?
LD: did that kiss mean anything to you last night?..
H: I-I think you should go *starts shaking Nadia*
L: *starts getting dressed*
N: *wakes up and looks around* what am I doing here
H: if I knew, I would've told you
L: so you don't know why we're here
H: the only thing I know is that you guys need to leave....
N: *gets dressed*

3 minutes later

N: *leaves*
L: you never answered my question...
H: huh?
L: did our kiss mean anything to you
H: I told you once and I'm gonna tell you again... I only love Annie
L: right.... *leaves*

I took a shower, washed my sheets, and got dressed

20 minutes later

I knocked on Annie's door

A: *opens the door*
H: hey
A: what?
H: I'm dressed and there's no girls in my room...
A: oh yea.. uh come in...
H: *walks in*
A: *sits on her bed*
H: *sits next to her*
A: sooo.....
H: look I'm sorry..
A: Hay-
H: I'm sorry for calling you a friend, your way more then that
H: I'm sorry for bringing girls here, I didn't even mean to
H: I was drunk and I know that doesn't make it right but there was no feelings involved
H: I'm sorry for being such a screw up
H: ....
A: You are not a screw up so stop it!
A: I didn't really want to take a break... I was just mad at the moment
H: I'm sorry.. I didn't mean it
A: it's fine just please don't do it again
H: I promise I won't
A: ok
H: does that mean we're official again
A: i don't know
H: I knew It would lead to this *gets on one knee*
A: what are you doing
H: *pulls out a ring box and opens it*
A: Hayden!
H: this is a promise ring
H: with this ring, I am very serious about it but I'm mostly serious with and about you..
H: I promise to be your friend always, I promise to love you even through yours and my ups and downs, I promise to always be faithful and I promise to Mary you one day no matter what...
H: will you be my girlfriend, take this ring, and promise to do the same
A: yes! *stands up*
H: *stands up and puts the finger on her*
A: *hugs him*
H: *hugs back*
A: can we get something to eat I'm super hungry
H: yea come on *pulls away from the hug and grabs her hand*

We decided to get Chick-fil-A
We ordered and Annie took out a 20 dollar bill

H: *takes it and put it back in her pocket* I'm paying
A: no I am
H: no your not
A: yes I am!
H: can you get the napkins
A: fine *goes to get the napkins*

I took out my money as fast as possible and paid
The cashier kept staring and me but I didn't really care

Cashier: your cute
H: uhhh thanks? *grabs the food*
Cashier: call me *gives him a piece of paper*
H: *grabs it* I'm not calling you
Cashier: why not
H: because I'm not single
A: *walks up to them*
Cashier: you can still call
H: No
A: what happened
Cashier: he said he was gonna call me later
A: Hayden calm down *grabs his hand* lets go
H: *looks at the cashier*
Cashier: *smirks*
H: I never want to come here again
A: stop being a big baby
H: *puts the piece of paper on the counter*
H: why do you like it here so much?
A: because I like their food
Cashier: so your not gonna call?
H: come on Babe lets go

We got into the car

A: did you know her?
H: No *starts driving*

5 minutes later

A: can you stop at the store
H: I could go in with you, what do you need
A: stuff...
H: stuff like what?
A: stuff....
H: *pulls over at the store*
H: I'm just gonna stay in the car
A: *goes into the store*

Annie's pov:

I walked in and made sure Hayden didn't follow me in
I walked up to the pregnancy tests and got 3 of them just in case
I paid for them and got back into the car

H: *drives to the dorms*

As soon as we got to our dorm I ran into the bathroom and locked the door
I took one but I had to wait 2 minutes
2 minutes later I looked at it and it was....

End of chapter

If you know me by now then you would've saw that coming
Chapter either on the weekend or next week
But for now

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