Let him go

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Bill's POV

Ugh why Alcor?!?!? I've spenT all this time meticulously training you so you can be prepared for omnicence, and all you saw were some burnt old pancakes with Hair in them! I'll have to come up with a new plAn. I thought to myself
"Bill?"Alcor asked expecTantly
"What do you think? Am I ready"
Ugh I can't just make him do it again he'll be suspicious since he already did it Well! I'll just let him go then come up with a new plAn while he's away.
"Yes I think you are ready To go back," I said halfheartedly.
He jumped out of his Chair and flew out the door. A second later his Head poked back in the door frame, and shoutEd thank you then as fast as he was there, he was gone.
God that kid is so unSuspecting. I have to say in all honesty that he's grown on me but I can't let that get in my way.

Guys, this is not billdip. I'm sorry but I just can't do that in this book. Bill's love for dipper in this fanfic is more of fatherly pride.
Anyway this very short update was brought to you by: procrastination and my own laziness.
I hope you liked it anyway

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