「 thirty - one 」

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"ge, i brought you medicines and some me-", i froze right on my spot when i saw yue yue-ge doing some push-ups

oh no, not just push-ups but a combination of different exercises,

"oh yeah? leave it on the table", an exhausted voice came out from his mouth

i went near the table and put the food tray on it, "you seem.. okay?", i asked, confused at the sight

he stopped doing his exercise and stood up to get some towel, "i'm feeling way more better than i was before. it's weird though."

i furrowed my eyebrows, "were you acting sick?"

"of course not!" he protested, "i'm not some kind of a person to act sick just to receive some pity"

i rolled my eyes as i heard footsteps coming near the room, it must be ziyang

"hey guys! do you have some foods?", ziyang greeted us as he immediately went straight to the food on the table

yue yue-ge immediately smacked his head, "that's mine! don't touch it!"

i sighed, i was doing that to a kid before too, "anyways, do you have any news from chunhua?"

ziyang rubbed the back of his head before he answered, "yeah, he acquired yue-ge's powers"

yue yue-ge face lit up, "REALLYYY?! I'M HAPPY FOR MY CHILD!!"

"she's not your child" i stated bluntly, "yue-ge's been sick for five hours. does that mean..."

ziyang frowned, "it only means that anyone who will chunhua touched will be sick. then, i won't allow her to touch me if that's the consequence"

"but i felt way more better, i felt like my powers improved" yue yue-ge stated

i hummed thinking of the similar event that happened before, "what were you thinking?"

the both of them looked at me, eager to hear my answer, "it feels like your genetic makeup was rewired once you got healed from the sickness brought by chunhua's touch"

yue yue nodded, "okay, i get this whole touch and sick thingy but.."

ziyang narrowed his eyes, "but are they all the same? i mean the sickness."

i shrugged, "maybe. maybe not."


"CHENLE! YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!", i gritted my teeth as i hold him tightly on his wrist

chenle, almost tearing up, answered, "i promise! i don't want him to lose too! so, please help me!"

"what can i help? we can't stop his countdown!", i slapped myself, trying to stop me from crying

"how did you do that one like chunhua's? i know you did that!"

"THAT WAS A FUCKING MIRACLE!", i tweaked my hair out of frustration

"what are you guys doing here?", a senior that goes by the name winwin asked

"oh sicheng-ge.." chenle trailed off when he saw three more guys behind winwin-ge, wait, sicheng is his real name?

"you told her?" a voice of disappointment came out from his voice

chenle lowered his head, "i'm sorry, but i have to"

renjun rolled his eyes as he finished his burger, "for what? in order to save your twin? we all know he's going to die anyway"

i gasped, twin? who?, chenle and zhenghao? you've got to be kidding me.

kun immediately slapped renjun's stomach, making the latter whine in pain

winwin sighed, "we're going back. lucas, you talk to this child"

child? who? is he referring to me? i'm not a child!

winwin grabbed chenle's wrist as they walked farther away from me. i froze to my place, not knowing on exactly what to do.

he's not really going to leave us, right?

"you look pretty"

i was startled by lucas' voice, "uhm thank you?" i examined him from head to toe, "you look handsome too and has 50 years, 3 days, 20 hours, and 10 minutes left"

he was taken aback by my choice of words, "woah there missy, i can always stop the time. so don't go around messing with me."

"you are a descendant of time too?", i felt happy meeting a companion that was not even my relative

he nodded, "all of us, the four of them has the same powers. i am different."

i let out a soft "ah" as the atmosphere became awkward. he coughed, getting my attention before he spoke,

"do you want to go out with me?"

third person's pov

the guy finished his tournament and he was happy to be able to win the game

someone tapped his shoulders and by that time he definitely knew what that means

he immediately packed his things as he headed out going to the office, he greeted the math teacher and waited for his orders

"locate this clan's house and base", he presented a picture, the younger scanned the pictures and nodded

"once found, you'll know who your twin brother is", he paused as he looked to the younger's expression, "do you agree?"

he smiled by the statement, "thank you, Mr. Zhang"

"no problem, and please take care zhenghao"

i was gone for like a month and a week? i'm really sorry for that fam 😭 10th grade is just a stressful year

these past few weeks we keep on passing requirements, doing practices and such. so, i'm really sorry for being inactive! i promise to give you again some good chapters!

i was actually thinking to delete this one but if i delete this, i need to delete null too. i'm still deciding though.

that's all fam. once again, i'm really sorry ;-; please forgive me


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