Our story begins 30 years ago in villanueva, Spain where Andrea was celebrating her 15th birthday with Alba and Alonso (her parents) and was told the news that changed her life.
"Andrea?" Alba questioned, knocking on the door, Andrea stretched out her arms and lent over to the clock beside her. February 17th. Today was her birthday. There was another knock at her door "Yes?" she mumbled. Alba walked in. "feliz cumpleaños Andrea!*happy birthday Andrea!*" Alba and Alonso shout simultaneously. Andrea let out a grin "thanks guys" A stretches again. "vístete y ven y abre tus regalos! *get changed and open your presents!* Alba says as Alonso walked out and Alba closed the door behind them. Andrea stood up and got changed and followed on into the kitchen, Where she saw no presents.Andrea had always wanted to travel and she especially wanted to visit America as Alonso and Alba met there, and that's what she got...
"ma, Where are the presents?" Andrea asked as if that was all she cared about (which was true)
"no está aquí *its not here*" Alba points towards Andrea's suit case by the door. "ve y empaca el resto de tus cosas, todo lo que no traigas se quedará aquí *go and pack the rest of your stuff everything thing you don't bring will stay here *" Alba implies as she shoos Andrea into her room. "ok ma" Andrea replies running into her room, not knowing if she'll ever return.And that's where it all started, Andrea moved to america with her parents (Alba and Alonso) and all was good, well if your excluding the fact that she dropped out of high school , 3 drama schools , and acting class to pursue her career 'independently' everything was great!
Abuelos Secret
Mystery / ThrillerAs Xiomara moved to America for a new start her abuelo found out some news which had finally dawned on this newly changed family. With a new child it was too late to turn back what will she do when all is revealed about her abuelo? Read to find out...