Open Eyes

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It has been said; that when you see something, you can discribe it by heart.
But is that true?
if i ask you to look at me will it change what i am?
Or EVEN deeper, will it change who i am...

The two mysteries of sight and perception and thier ongoing changes from time and decision are what makes the world a mere dream. or I should say, a movie
You see what you are wanted to see.. but do you seek what you are blinded by?
For "a man is not what he thinks he is but rather what he hides"
If you were to show me you, the real YOU.
Would you see me seeing you?
I know it sounds absurdly strange and is much to ponder, but really, would you know if I see the REAL you?
Okay; let's go deeper now...
If you see me physically, do you see me Spiritually?
let's go even deeper cause I want you as my dear readers to understand this...
When you first see someone without them even uttering a word to you; you sometimes classify them as "not liked" by your own judgement...
Now tell Me my dear READERS.
Do you Question WHY you don't like them?



I understand, I know you might be brought out of suspense for a while, but look ya gotta work with me here... it's in the morning and I don't really get alotta time to write ma views of the world down, however I'll update this part as soon as I can..
Yea, I know it's unprofessional and it needs alotta editing work but am not here for that; it's called "Thoughts On Paper"?? DUH...but I just had to get it done..
have a great weekend yall... 2018/11/18

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