Grocery Shopping

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"Let's see..." Kurapika hummed thoughtfully as he examined a batch of potatoes. Behind him Killua sighed audibly, letting the Kurta know he was bored.

"Oh my gosh they're all just the same pick one already so we can get outta here!" Killua groaned, eyes rolling upwards. "My feet are killing mee!" He was itching to go the sweets aisle and buy his favorite chocolate. Just the thought of it was enough to make him drool and withstand this hellish hour of grocery shopping. Eww he almost barfed.

Kurapika found it wiser to ignore the boy's infinite complaints and so did just that, but not before giving him a passive glance. He saw Gon looking at the fishes and so called him before he got lost. He decided to pick both and pushed the cart forwards, letting the younger ones trail behind as he listened to them chat and share jokes.

Killua laughed at one of his best friend's stories. Then he slapped himself at the mere fact that he almost forgot to buy his beloved chocorobos! Rushing forward to catch up with the Kurta, he said "Ne Kurapika. Is it okay if I grab some of my sweets?" He looked up at him, eagerly waiting for his answer. Hopefully it was a yes. His gray eyes trained on him, and he almost flinched at the intensity of the gaze.

"As long as it's not too much." He gave the younger a careful eye. He hadn't experienced it himself but he knew from Gon's stories that when it came to those chocolates of his, he had a tendency to empty out the stocks. And he heard as well that they had quite a price, and he wasn't sure if he had enough money to pay for them all.

Killua knew what the chain user was talking about and he sent his best friend a glare for telling the blond. He pouts indignantly and slumps away muttering "Fine."

The other two watch him and Kurapika said to the dark-haired boy without taking his eyes off the other "Go make sure he doesn't go overboard." With a happy smile and a skip to his step, Gon was gone.

To say that he was surprised was an understatement. He was more of impressed that Killua listened to him. Killua stayed true to his word though he noticed the slight frown on his face. Gon meanwhile sported a triumphant smile as he held a few chocolates as well.

"I made Killua get less than usual," was Gon's cheerful report.

The silver-haired kid's frown turns into a smirk as he said in a mock thoughtful tone "I was more generous this time actually. Usually I'd take everything. But since someone won't stop pestering me I just left five this time."

Poor Kurapika choked on his spit at hearing that. Without a word he grabbed an armful of chocolates from Killua, who yelled a sharp "Hey!" and ran towards the aisle to return it. He shouldn't have trusted him. Five? He will surely lose half of his desired and necessary purchases. When he came back Killua's frown was even deeper as he gave him a nasty stare.

Gon sweatdropped since he could practically feel the ice emitting from his friend, not to mention the spark of bloodlust too.

Even as they left the grocery store, Killua's eyes remained glued to a certain blond head. Gon was beside Kurapika and he could still feel the chill from the Zoldyck. Kurapika, having enough of his silly staring game, turned and was not afraid to meet the ex-assassin's bottomless stare.

"I was wondering if you'd like a big bowl of ice cream all to yourself Killua," he began. He saw the killer eyes subside and a merry little glint appear. But as fast as it had come, it was gone. That was all the confirmation he needed. "If you're not interested then that's too bad. Maybe Gon would like it..." he trails, eyes going to said boy.

Killua's cold merciless stare were instantly gone, to be replaced with hopeful shining orbs at the prospect of a cold treat. Maybe he could forgive him for taking away almost half but honestly there were still a lot in the bags. But ice cream? Oh that's a different story.

"You sure this time?" He earned a nod from the older. "You're not going back on your word?" A shake of the head. A smile slowly took over Killua's lips. "Then you're forgiven!"

Gon was happy that his two friends made up that he jumped in the air shouting for joy, running to the ice cream shop not too far from them.

And so the pair were left alone, and they walked in silence side by side before Kurapika said "I'm sorry for taking away a lot Killua. It's just that I'm not entirely positive that we would be able to pay for everything."

Killua just smiled his boyish grin, putting his arms behind his head. "Nah I guess it's fine. I went overboard even if you told me off. I shoulda listened." He thought about a different scenario, wherein he took everything. He thought of the kids that would be crying because of the empty stocks. A devilish grin took over his lips at the thought. But once he met stern gray eyes he let the smirk fall off his face.

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