Chapter 12; Blood Moon Halo

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THANKS SO MUCH FOR YOUR LOVELY SUPPORT. Also, today was my last day at work so YAY. Another few days off. I've actually applied for college again for Fine art, English lit and language and business (changing that to French.) I'm waiting to hear back. (It's the Uk college.)

BTW this chapter may not be as long because here's the thing; I ripped half of my nail off on my pinkie in work (had to go to the minor unit to have it sorted, it wrecked like a bitch) and it hurts when I move my hand a lot lol.

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Three days had passed since Colden had last seen Alice and his sister. With every passing hour, he felt his heart crack just a little bit more. Realistically, he knew that Alice was safe. More than necessary given Belle's craftiness. Yet the other part of him, the part that still held onto the sound of her body hitting the ground from the second floor, couldn't help but worry about the worst.

At this moment in time, it wasn't even Alice that worried him but the wide stretch of possibilities of who and what she was and how much danger that put her in. If King Lucien was after her then there must be something more.

But what?

Colden drank the rest of the whiskey, the glass cool and sturdy against his fingers. Drinking was the only thing he had been doing, considering that he had nearly killed Tom and trashed his wing... a sigh rumbled out of his chest, he rubbed the exhaustion out of his face and stood. There was too much to think about and too much to do. 

Guilt swarmed into his stomach. He had overstepped his boundaries, again. Alice had seemed to calm down within his presence and he'd only gone and fucked that one up. To have kissed her like that when she was nothing but distressed...Colden tugged his hand through his dark hair.

His knees cracked as he walked towards the window, staring at the expanse of land. There was nothing there. Not that anything could get past yet his instincts were in an uproar. The sky was an ever ending darkness and the wind was relatively wilder. They were in the deepest part of autumn and the weather was bordering on winter. Colden's nostrils flared as his eyes caught the movement of a wolf.

Their eyes briefly met and Colden's narrowed in suspicion.  When it reached the manor within light distance, the wolf transformed and in its place stood Belle. The moons glow accentuated her long and lean limbs and cast a silver halo over her face. The breaking of her bones reached his room on the third floor and Colden couldn't help but sigh in relief. He hoped that the time she had been away she spent it on finding out whatever that was going on.

It took Belle exactly 9 minutes and 54 seconds to reach his room. He leant against the wall opposite the door with his arms crossed against his chest. His outfit, which consisted of black skinny jeans and a white shirt, was crumpled and dirty. Colden couldn't find it in him to change. Not like it mattered, anyway.

Belle let out a whistle as she took in the room. Her eyes wide although a glint of amusement lingered on her face. Her lips tugged up into a smile as she met his gaze, this time not hiding her humour. Colden scowled- the situation was anything but funny. In fact, he could think of about twenty other situations that could warrant a laugh. This was not it. He arched an eyebrow as she overstepped a piece of broken furniture. 

"They held you in good, considering that the damage is only visible in your wing," like a bird, his sister tilted her head to the right and her eyes scanned over the outlines of his body. "Tell me brother, what have you been up to?"

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