Curly Shepard(Short Imagine)

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I stood to the left waiting for the rumble to commence,
Of course there weren't many girls, six to be exact but the girls that had shown up were like bulldozers, not even Tim Shepard himself would take them on.
And then there was I the little dot, I mean I could fight but I was just here for the rush if I was being honest.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts by somebody ploughing into my shoulder sending me flying,
"Watch it",I hear from above me,
"You walked into me dipshit",I blow the hair from my face and look up to be met by the gaze of a kid around my age,
"The fuck did you just call me?",He asked as I stood up,
"Who the fuck are you to be starting shit with me, I don't know if you realized but tonight it's us against the socs",I snapped brushing the dirt from my jeans,
"Who the fuck are you?",He asked looking me up and down with a scoff,

"I asked you first",I let out,
"I asked you second",He comes back,
"That's not how it works",I roll my eyes at his ignorance,
"Kid get over here!",I turn to see Tim Shepard calling the boy on-front of me,
I glance back and forth from them then realizing who I was talking to.
"Ah fuck",I sigh out at the shit I just got myself into.

"Don't worry doll I won't mention it, we can re-visit this conversation elsewhere",He winks turning around.
I mentally groan at the fact I'd just smart talked a Shepard.
Nothing worse than being on their bad side but,that's where I am right now.
Their bad side.

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